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Feltip Leaf
File information
Album name:pftq / Music
Keywords:2011music artwork
Filesize:1309 KiB
Date added:Apr 20, 2012
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1551 times
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Apr.14-20 2012

Feltip Leaf

Short melody I've had stuck in my head for a long time. Put it down in notes back in September 2011 but never really got around to orchestrating it much.

Only recently figured out how to play it with chords on the piano but not sure how to bring it out more (it's just the main melody with few supporting themes). The intro is also pretty boring - not sure how to improve the sound or melody there while keeping it slow; really disliked the sound of the flute but couldn't find a better one amongst my samples that matched the other VSTs.

Title on the song has actually changed a lot. I guess more than anything it sounds like a long evening hike against the setting sun... or a leaf being carried away by the wind.

Also available on Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, YouTube

Created With: FL Studio, East West, FabFilter, Adobe Photoshop CS5

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I am strangely reminded of a Bollywood love song around 1:45:P The intro lag is made up by the rest of the song, and it's so serene! It makes a nice, slow "drive back from Davis" song:)
Apr 20, 2012
this is amazing!
Apr 20, 2012

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