Hi, I appologize if my advice is not entirely foolproof - just a warning here as my memory is a bit foggy.
But just so we're on the same track, below is my logic. I remember there were two distinct types of area:
Vector - Generally use the vector(float x, float y, float z).
ex. the original flare effect:
trMinimapFlare(%PlayerID%, %Duration%, vector(%Position%), %Flash%) - where %Position% is by default (0,0,0)
Quantity - Not sure how to name these, but pretty much (x,y,z) without combining them into a vector.
ex. Move from Area
trUnitMoveFromArea(%DstPoint%, -1, %AttackMove%, %PlayerID%, "%UnitType%", %Radius%) - where %DstPoint% is default (0,0,0)*
** (0,0,0) alone is not a vector; functions such as xsVectorGetX(vector xyz) will not accept it unless it is put into the vector() function first.
Seeing as the flare effect requires the location as a vector, as is kbUnitGetPosition/BlockPosition, it should work.
However, I would also try vector(kbGet...).
One thing though - why do you have:
loop="" loopParm="SrcObject"
*nvm - forgot about the center unit
But you would need to change the variable name accordingly.
Also, what actually happens with the code? Does that one effect not work or does it cause all conditions/effects in the same trigger to freeze up as well?