
Posts: 4204
« on: October 29, 2006, 01:09:44 PM » |
The basic script has been finished!  Now it's just tweaking here and there. So far we have: - Fort in back and front - Barracks and Stable on side - Natives get Special building in back instead of fort (Noble's Hut, Corrall) - Llama HP tells how many kills you have. - Docks disabled - 2 respawning ronins - HC disabled Awards: 100 - Church, Firepit for natives with 5 Warrior Priests 200 - Arsenal, Warrior Priest for natives 400 - Artillery Depot, Corral for Sioux, Nobles Hut for Aztec 600 - Settler

Posts: 4204
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2006, 12:41:27 PM » |
Here are things that I think need to be changed, 1) 5 more forts in the back Yep gonna do that.2) longer distance between your section and the main island Takes pretty long to walk that far already but ok.3) can you make the ronins walk in from the side of the island to the middle, that is how it was in aok. They cant auto attack till the reach the center, but you can control them and tell them to attack. It just requires a lot of micro. Isn't that more of a downgrade feature? But ok. So it looks like they're comin in out of the water right?4) plz take away the insta train. Perhaps you can use a native unit tech to speed up train time. There is no instant train... I think I said this countless times already. It's 50% off for cav. You researched an extra 50% from the church so it totals 100% train time off. I'll go find antoher tech for the cav though.5) “your” island bigger K6) can you make it so that the building on your island don’t overlap Ya that wasn't intentional...  7) put the stable and rax/warhut on a separate island, so that they can research techs and not train units. Natives can't train units from Fort..8 ) can you keep the spies in just change the train time. Make it really slow, perhaps 60-120 seconds. They should be used for spying and not attacking imo. Ok.9) Don’t get all the possible upgrades at one time. Start in fortress, and age only after so many kills. Ok.10) Can you make after so many kills advanced arsenal techs enabled? Already done.  That is all I can think of for now, but so far good job on the update.
Posts: 30
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2006, 06:30:22 AM » |
Here are things that I think need to be changed, 1) 5 more forts in the back Yep gonna do that.k cool.2) longer distance between your section and the main island Takes pretty long to walk that far already but ok.In aok it took maybe a min. to walk from your island to the main one.3) can you make the ronins walk in from the side of the island to the middle, that is how it was in aok. They cant auto attack till the reach the center, but you can control them and tell them to attack. It just requires a lot of micro. Isn't that more of a downgrade feature? But ok. So it looks like they're coming in out of the water right?They should look like they are coming out from the water. that is exactly how it was in aok:). And yes it is a downgrade, do you know how hard it is to attack with 5 forts hailing down on you? Oh, and do the same with all the other rewards.4) plz take away the insta train. Perhaps you can use a native unit tech to speed up train time. There is no instant train... I think I said this countless times already. It's 50% off for cav. You researched an extra 50% from the church so it totals 100% train time off. I'll go find another tech for the cav though.I'm confused. Where did the first 50% come from? If you made it so all units have 50% train time off, even before the game starts, take it off. The game is fast enough with 5 forts pumping units.5) “your” island bigger Kk6) can you make it so that the building on your island don’t overlap Ya that wasn't intentional... oh, ok thanks7) put the stable and rax/warhut on a separate island, so that they can research techs and not train units. Natives can't train units from Fort..for Europeans can you make it so that you can not train units from the rax/stable; this is so that they don't get 2 extra places too build units.8 ) can you keep the spies in just change the train time. Make it really slow, perhaps 60-120 seconds. They should be used for spying and not attacking IMO. Ok.9) Don’t get all the possible upgrades at one time. Start in fortress, and age only after so many kills. Ok.10) Can you make after so many kills advanced arsenal techs enabled? Already done. nice11) I'm seriously wondering if there should be an artillery foundry in the game. For one it is the lag, there are more units then fort wars. And 2nd what about and all art army, perhaps mortars?12) And also I think that petards might need nerfing (IF you keep them in)13) I noticed that with you got rewards such has mediocre bombard, what was the requiremints for this awards?14) I think that on a 1v1 the forts should have lesshit points then a 4v4.nice job

Posts: 4204
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2006, 12:45:36 PM » |
Here are things that I think need to be changed, 1) 5 more forts in the back Yep gonna do that.k cool.2) longer distance between your section and the main island Takes pretty long to walk that far already but ok.In aok it took maybe a min. to walk from your island to the main one.Don't you get kind of bored? O well ok.3) can you make the ronins walk in from the side of the island to the middle, that is how it was in aok. They cant auto attack till the reach the center, but you can control them and tell them to attack. It just requires a lot of micro. Isn't that more of a downgrade feature? But ok. So it looks like they're coming in out of the water right?They should look like they are coming out from the water. that is exactly how it was in aok:). And yes it is a downgrade, do you know how hard it is to attack with 5 forts hailing down on you? Oh, and do the same with all the other rewards.4) plz take away the insta train. Perhaps you can use a native unit tech to speed up train time. There is no instant train... I think I said this countless times already. It's 50% off for cav. You researched an extra 50% from the church so it totals 100% train time off. I'll go find another tech for the cav though.I'm confused. Where did the first 50% come from? If you made it so all units have 50% train time off, even before the game starts, take it off. The game is fast enough with 5 forts pumping units.The tech for speeding up cav is 50%.5) “your” island bigger Kk6) can you make it so that the building on your island don’t overlap Ya that wasn't intentional... oh, ok thanks7) put the stable and rax/warhut on a separate island, so that they can research techs and not train units. Natives can't train units from Fort..for Europeans can you make it so that you can not train units from the rax/stable; this is so that they don't get 2 extra places too build units.8 ) can you keep the spies in just change the train time. Make it really slow, perhaps 60-120 seconds. They should be used for spying and not attacking IMO. Ok.9) Don’t get all the possible upgrades at one time. Start in fortress, and age only after so many kills. Ok.10) Can you make after so many kills advanced arsenal techs enabled? Already done. nice11) I'm seriously wondering if there should be an artillery foundry in the game. For one it is the lag, there are more units then fort wars. And 2nd what about and all art army, perhaps mortars?12) And also I think that petards might need nerfing (IF you keep them in)13) I noticed that with you got rewards such has mediocre bombard, what was the requiremints for this awards?100k XP - they die pretty easy though.14) I think that on a 1v1 the forts should have lesshit points then a 4v4.Have you tried team games? More than anything buildings need MORE HP! :pnice job