i an extremely novice map maker and would like help from a couple people to ressurect Tower Defence
for those of you that dont know what that is
each player starts with 6 villies and 2000 wood and 2000 gold they are located next to a large amount of resources a forrest and a large gold mine sepperated from that theres valley that zigzags around the map and 2 more villies from each player up on that ridge taht surrounds the valley
at one end of the valley there is spawn points for X number of units with X number of hitpoints what the players have to do is build enoguh towers to successfully kill all the units before they reach the opposite side of the valley there will also be a an upgrade system letting you buy additional damage for your towers or buy artillary to use aginst the runners
there should be 20 levels each one getting harder and harder and when a player kills somthing he gains a certain amount of coin or wood
but unfortunatly my abilities are not this adpet ive managed to get units to walk to one side of the map throguh the valley and desighend the map but thats about it : '
my aim is Outsideout2312
my yahoo is Outside_inthe_box
And my email is
outside_inthe_box@yahoo.comi would be very greatful for any help and if it is as near as popular in aoe3 as aoe2 it will be riht there with cats n mice