Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III Design

     My first time attempt at random map scripting was here. The editor for Age of Empires III was so crappy that it is nearly impossible to really make something fun and interesting. Much thanks to M0nty_Pyth0n and his tutorial for helping me learn how to script properly and basically setting me off. :D
     My first map was a very sloppily-coded "Wild Woods," which I never released. I eventually gave up on it from how complicating it was getting, especially as the coding was just a bunch of lines slapped on top of each other without any real organization.
     A friend of mine suggested we work on a blood map. It started simple at first. The script was much cleaner and more organized as I actually knew what I was doing this time. I was able to come up and put to work more of my ideas without having worry about script errors. This map eventually became one of the most popular custom maps Fort Wars.
     My full history with Age of Mythology / Age of Empires III can basically be found if you search pftq and HeavenGames on Google.