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2003 Christmas Expansion

2003 Christmas Expansion

Date: October 26, 2003 - December 23, 2003

Type: Pack, Animal, Object, Building

Game Version: Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania

Downloads: 1186 | Download File

     A 2-month project started by flamethrower and KillerPenguin222 in creating a Christmas-themed pack of about 156 animals, objects, and buildings.

     Originally, it was released over two smaller packs at Zoo Admin (for those who wanted to use the items before Christmas arrived) and later updated with a patch (or really just a replacement file).

From the Readme:

Started by Flamethrower and KillerPenguin222

03 CExp Anml(1) Includes:
Living Snowman
Living Christmas Tree

03 CExp Anml(2) Includes:
Vicious Living Snowball
Peaceful Living Snowball

03 CExp Bldg(1) Includes:
Snow Castle Buffet
Ice Skating Ring
Santa's Giftshop
Ferris Wheel

03 CExp Bldg(2) Includes:
Snowy Log Cabin Restroom
Snack Shack
Christmas Tree Sale
Snow Cups

03 CExp Scnry(1) Includes:
Ice Formation 1
Ice Formation 2
Frozen Arch
Frozen Waterfall
Snow Castle
Ice Cube
Ice Arch
Mini Igloo
Small Snowflake
Large Snowflake
Giant Christmas Tree

03 CExp Scnry(2) Includes:
Snowy Caucasian Fir Tree
Snowy Norway Spruce Tree
Snowy Red Fir Tree (Thick)
Snowy Red Fir Tree (Thin)
Jumping Snowball Fountain
Giant Candy Cane (Red & Green)
Giant Candy Cane (Blue & Yellow)
Giant Candy Cane (Brown & Red)
Christmas Tree Arch
Heating Lamp
Fish Hole
Snow-Covered Banner (Enter)
Thin Ice
Snowman Ice Sculpture
Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Blue Sphere)
Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Golden Sphere)
Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Green Sphere)
Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Red Sphere)
Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Silver Sphere)

03 CExp Scnry(3) Includes:
Arctic Animals Ice Sculpture
Trio Statue Ice Sculpture
Snowy Pine Tree
Arctic Dinosaurs Ice Sculpture
Arctic Marine Animals Ice Sculpture
Christmas Tree Observation Area
Christmas Lamp
Okapi Ice Sculpture
Christmas Elephant Topiary
Christmas Giraffe Topiary
Christmas Polar Bear Topiary
Christmas Spiral Topiary

03 CExp Scnry(4) Includes:
Snowy Flowerbed(1)
Snowy Flowerbed(2)
Snowy Flowerbed(3)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(1)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(2)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(3)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(4)
Snowy Pine Bush
Christmas Elephant Ear Tree
Snowy Himalayan Pine Tree
Himalayan Pine Tree Ice Sculpture
Christmas Elm Tree
Guest Ice Sculpture (Man)
Christmas Rhino Topiary
Snowy Rainforest Fern
Rainforest Fern Ice Sculpture
Elm Tree Ice Sculpture
Spiral Ice Formation
Snowy Spruce Tree
Kelp Ice Sculpture
T-Rex Ice Sculpture
Spinosaurus Ice Sculpture
Velociraptor Ice Sculpture
Orca Ice Sculpture
Dolphin Ice Sculpture
Great White Shark Ice Sculpture
Giant Squid Ice Sculpture
Jellyfish Ice Sculpture
Apatosaurus Ice Sculpture
Caudipteryx Ice Sculpture
Mermaid Ice Sculpture
Loch Ness Monster Ice Sculpture
Deinosuchus Ice Sculpture
Snowy Bald Cypress Tree
Bubbling Ice Formation
Snowy Fern Bush
Frozen Water Fountain
Stegosaurus Ice Sculpture
Sperm Whale Ice Sculpture
Manta Ray Ice Sculpture
Octopus Ice Sculpture
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(1)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(2)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(3)
Christmas Glossopteris Tree

03 CExp KP222(1) Includes:
Reindeer Ice Sculpture
Polar Bear Snow Sculpture
Snow Leopard Ice Sculpture
Panda Ice Sculpture
Penguin Ice Sculpture
Triceratops Ice Sculpture
Giraffe Ice Sculpture
Elephant Ice Sculpture
Tiger Ice Sculpture
Frozen Rock Formation
Frozen Fountain
Gorilla Ice Sculpture
Kangaroo Ice Sculpture

03 CExp KP222(2) Includes:
Xmas Rock Formation
Xmas Hedge
Santa Claus Ice Sculpture
Snowy Tree
Candy Cane Zoo Map
Candy Cane Lamp
Small Xmas Tree
Lion Ice Sculpture
Santa Snowman

03 CExp KP222(3) Includes:
Globe Willow Tree Ice Sculpture
Xmas Palm Tree
Llama Palm Tree Ice Sculpture
Camel Ice Sculpture
Acacia Thorn Tree Ice Sculpture
Icy Zoo Map
Bamboo Ice Sculpture
Ostrich Ice Sculpture
Rhinoceros Ice Sculpture
Anteater Ice Sculpture
Lodgepole Pine Tree Ice Sculpture
Frozen Flowerbed
Frozen Flowerbed
Frozen Flowerbed
Snowman Statue
Xmas Maple Tree
Unicorn Ice Sculpture
Crocodile Ice Sculpture
Maple Tree Ice Sculpture

03 CExp KP222(4) Includes:
Christmas Tree Ice Sculpture
Xmas Cherry Tree
Bison Ice Sculpture
Golden Christmas Tree
Hippo Ice Sculpture
Golden Polar Bear
Yeti Ice Sculpture
Flamango Ice Sculpture
Grizzly Bear Ice Sculpture
Oak Ice Sculpture
Wolf Ice Sculpture
Moose Ice Sculpture

Thank you for downloading the 2003 Christmas Expansion!

To use the files:

1) Place the ztd files in the folder: dlupdates OR Updates folder.  These folders are located in the Zoo Tycoon directory: ...Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon/

2) Place the dll file(s) in the Zoo Tycoon directory: ... Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon/

The locations will vary depending whether or not you changed any settings during the installation of the game.


1) Use ANY buildings without also using the dll file(s) included.

The "ui03CExpMenu" and "lang03CExpMenu" are not required to use the items in the game.  You should use them however, if you wish to have an easier time finding stuff in the game.

Flamethrower has also included the option to have your music/sound coming from the following items:

Heating Lamp
Snow-Covered Banner (Enter)
Christmas Tree Observation Area
Christmas Lamp
Christmas Elephant Topiary
Christmas Giraffe Topiary
Christmas Polar Bear Topiary
Christmas Rhino Topiary
Snowy Flowerbed(1)
Snowy Flowerbed(2)
Snowy Flowerbed(3)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(1)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(2)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(3)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(4)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(1)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(2)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(3)

To have your music come from the items in the game, follow these simple directions:

1.  Rename your sound files (which must be in Wav format) to the name that corresponds to the item you wish to have the music/sound come out of.  A list of what names would correspond to which items have been sorted out for you below these directions.  Highlight both of them by dragging a box around them, OR select one, then hold the shift key and use the arrow keys to "smear" the highlighting onto your other file too.  Right-Click them and choose "Copy".

2.  Find "03 CExp Scnry(2)", "03 CExp Scnry(3)", or "03 CExp Scnry(4)".

3.  On the window, find "Tools" on the top left of the window.  Click it and then choose "Folder Options".  From there, open the "View" tab and be sure the box next to "Hide Extensions for Known File Types" is unchecked.  Click Okay.

4.  There will now be ".ztd" at the end of "03 CExp Scnry(2)", "03 CExp Scnry(3)", or "03 CExp Scnry(4)".  Right-Click that file and click "Rename".  Rename the ".ztd" part to ".zip".

5.  Right-Click the file (which should have had the icon changed to a zip file) and click "Paste".  Rename the ".zip" to ".ztd" again.  You're done and now may put it into your game!

List of Items and their corresponding names for music/sound files (be sure to use the correct case):

Heating Lamp = lamp(.wav)
Snow-Covered Banner (Enter) = Enter(.wav)
Christmas Tree Observation Area = area(.wav)
Christmas Lamp = xmaslamp(.wav)
Christmas Elephant Topiary = elephant(.wav)
Christmas Giraffe Topiary = giraffe(.wav)
Christmas Polar Bear Topiary = polar(.wav)
Christmas Rhino Topiary = rhino(.wav)
Snowy Flowerbed(1) = flower1(.wav)
Snowy Flowerbed(2) = flower2(.wav)
Snowy Flowerbed(3) = flower3(.wav)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(1) = sflower1(.wav)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(2) = sflower2(.wav)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(3) = sflower3(.wav)
Small Snowy Flowerbed(4) = sflower4(.wav)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(1) = ruin1(.wav)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(2) = ruin2(.wav)
Frozen Atlantean Ruin(3) = ruin3(.wav)


Creators & Creations

Flamethrower - Living Snowman, Ice Formation 1, Ice Formation 2, Frozen Arch, Frozen Waterfall, Snow Castle, Ice Cube, Ice Arch, Mini Igloo, Snowball, Snowman, Small Snowflake, Snowflake, Large Snowflake, Snow Castle Buffet Images, Giant Christmas Tree, Ice Skating Ring Images, Living Christmas Tree, Snowy Caucasian Fir Tree, Snowy Norway Spruce Tree, Snowy Red Fir Tree (Thick), Snowy Red Fir Tree (Thin), Santa's Giftshop Images, Jumping Snowball Fountain, Giant Candy Cane (Red & Green), Giant Candy Cane (Blue & Yellow), Giant Candy Cane (Brown & Red), Ferris Wheel (Christmas Themed) Images, Christmas Tree Arch, Heating Lamp, Fish Hole, Snow-Covered Banner (Enter), Thin Ice, Snowman Ice Sculpture, Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Blue Sphere), Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Golden Sphere), Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Green Sphere), Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Red Sphere), Giant Christmas Tree Ornament (Silver Sphere), Arctic Animals Ice Sculpture, Trio Statue Ice Sculpture, Snowy Pine Tree, Arctic Dinosaurs Ice Sculpture, Arctic Marine Animals Ice Sculpture, Snowy Log Cabin Restroom Images, Snack Shack Images, Snack Shack Items (some) Images, Christmas Tree Observation Area, Christmas Lamp, Christmas Elephant Topiary, Christmas Giraffe Topiary, Peaceful Living Snowball, Christmas Polar Bear Topiary, Christmas Spiral Topiary, Snow Cups Images, Snowy Flowerbed(1), Snowy Flowerbed(2), Snowy Flowerbed(3), Small Snowy Flowerbed(1), Small Snowy Flowerbed(2), Small Snowy Flowerbed(3), Small Snowy Flowerbed(4), Snowy Pine Bush, Christmas Elephant Ear Tree, Snowy Himalayan Pine Tree, Himalayan Pine Tree Ice Sculpture, Christmas Elm Tree, Guest Ice Sculpture (Man), Christmas Rhino Topiary, Snowy Rainforest Fern, Rainforest Fern Ice Sculpture, Elm Tree Ice Sculpture, Spiral Ice Formation, Snowy Spruce Tree, Kelp Ice Sculpture, T-Rex Ice Sculpture, Spinosaurus Ice Sculpture, Velociraptor Ice Sculpture, Orca Ice Sculpture, Dolphin Ice Sculpture, Great White Shark Ice Sculpture, Giant Squid Ice Sculpture, Jellyfish Ice Sculpture, Apatosaurus Ice Sculpture, Caudipteryx Ice Sculpture, Mermaid Ice Sculpture, Loch Ness Monster Ice Sculpture, Deinosuchus Ice Sculpture, Snowy Bald Cypress Tree, Bubbling Ice Formation, Snowy Fern Bush, Frozen Water Fountain, Stegosaurus Ice Sculpture, Sperm Whale Ice Sculpture, Manta Ray Ice Sculpture, Octopus Ice Sculpture, Frozen Atlantean Ruin(1), Frozen Atlantean Ruin(2), Frozen Atlantean Ruin(3), Christmas Glossopteris Tree

KillerPenguin222 - Reindeer Ice Sculpture, Polar Bear Snow Sculpture, Snow Leopard Ice Sculpture, Panda Ice Sculpture, Penguin Ice Sculpture, Triceratops Ice Sculpture, Giraffe Ice Sculpture, Elephant Ice Sculpture, Tiger Ice Sculpture, Frozen Rock Formation, Frozen Fountain, Gorilla Ice Sculpture, Kangaroo Ice Sculpture, Xmas Rock Formation, Xmas Hedge, Santa Claus Ice Sculpture, Snowy Tree, Candy Cane Zoo Map, Candy Cane Lamp, Small Xmas Tree, Lion Ice Sculpture, Santa Snowman, Globe Willow Tree Ice Sculpture, Xmas Palm Tree, Xmas Cherry Tree, Llama Palm Tree Ice Sculpture, Camel Ice Sculpture, Acacia Thorn Tree Ice Sculpture, Icy Zoo Map, Bamboo Ice Sculpture, Ostrich Ice Sculpture, Rhinoceros Ice Sculpture, Anteater Ice Sculpture, Christmas Tree Ice Sculpture, Lodgepole Pine Tree Ice Sculpture, Frozen Flowerbed, Frozen Flowerbed, Frozen Flowerbed, Snowman Statue, Xmas Maple Tree, Unicorn Ice Sculpture, Crocodile Ice Sculpture, Maple Tree Ice Sculpture, Vicious Living Snowball, Bison Ice Sculpture, Golden Christmas Tree, Hippo Ice Sculpture, Golden Polar Bear, Yeti Ice Sculpture, Flamango Ice Sculpture, Grizzly Bear Ice Sculpture, Oak Ice Sculpture, Wolf Ice Sculpture, Moose Ice Sculpture

Dragonperson391 - Okapi Ice Sculpture Images

Casey - Programmed & rotation fixed: Snow Castle Buffet, Ice Skating Ring, Santa's Giftshop, Ferris Wheel, Snowy Log Cabin Restroom, Snack Shack, Christmas Tree Sale, Snow Cups

Aqua Dragon - Rotation fixed: 03 CExp Scnry(1), 03 CExp KP222(1), 03 CExp Scnry(2), 03 CExp KP222(2), 03 CExp Scnry(3), 03 CExp KP222(3)


Videogamer95 - Living Snowman

KillerPenguin222 - Living Snowman, Living Christmas Tree

Zoogrammy - Menu Hack


Kentrosaurus - Idea for Santa's Giftshop animation.

Superdionyoshi - Config file for opening certain objects in Ape.

Ourtime99 - Hot Chocolate images for Snack Shack.

RollerCoaster Tycoon(2) - Source of Images for: Snow Castle Buffet, Ice Formation 1, Ice Formation 2, Frozen Arch, Snow Castle, Ice Cube, Ice Arch, Mini Igloo, Snowball, Snowman, Small Snowflake, Snowflake, Large Snowflake, Snowy Caucasian Fir Tree, Snowy Norway Spruce Tree, Snowy Red Fir Tree (Thick), Snowy Red Fir Tree (Thin), Jumping Snowball Fountain, Giant Candy Cane (Red & Green), Giant Candy Cane (Blue & Yellow), Giant Candy Cane (Brown & Red), Ferris Wheel (Christmas Themed), Fish Hole, Snow-Covered Banner (Enter), Peaceful Living Snowball, Vicious Living Snowball, Snow Cups

Zoo Admin Members - Great feedback and suggestions.

- Zoo Tycoon is a game by Bluefang and Microsoft Game Studios.
The pages in this particular part of the site are based on the old Zoo Admin. -