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Age of Mythology Presentation
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Album name:pftq / Presentations
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Keywords:flash presentation
Filesize:63 KiB
Date added:Oct 10, 2012
Dimensions:800 x 600 pixels
Displayed:29297 times
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Age of Mythology Presentation

October 10, 2012

Short presentation I put together for a class today about tools that happened to be educational, which for me was learning coding/filmmaking from Age of Mythology.

Much of the presentation slide style is from my earlier high school work Regression of Oranges (which was also much better done) but it's nice to be animating again, probably the first time in several years now. Also nice to revisit my roots a little, though it can be very nostalgic at times. Presentation tool is again the Flash script I built called FlashShow (think Powerpoint but using After Effects).

Props to The_Vandhaal for footage from his "Tower of Babylon" cinematic and Oscar for bits of the ending cinematic from his "Lost Legion", which I thought were among the best work done in AOM at the time I was active.

Created With: Adobe Flash, Adobe After Effects, FlashShow

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