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Aiearih (Piano)
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Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (2 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:24531 KiB
Date added:Jun 12, 2016
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1472 times
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May.10 - Jun.12 2016

Aiearih (Piano)

This is probably my most thematically interesting and coincidentally longest piano piece so far. It may actually be more of a series of songs like chapters in a story, but I leave them together since it was originally played on the spot in one session. I'm also finally becoming more comfortable improvising both hands at once and switching fluidly between keys without really thinking about it.

The piece itself originally was just me messing around in new keys but upon listening back really brings to mind the scenes of a character embarking on a journey into the world and the lessons that come, a sort of coming of age. The piece evolves as the character goes from an inexperienced newcomer to a more inquisitive and observant student of those around, before finally setting out one last time to face the world again. You can hear the parts where the character may be sailing off prematurely at first and charging head-first before failing, becoming more humble and learning, and then facing the storm again with more experience and appreciation of the journey itself. It's a bit of a hero's journey, though it really just fits any story with a protagonist and tale of exploration.

Also on Bandcamp, Loudr, Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube...

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Eva Y. 
Hey fyi - i really enjoyed this Smile
Jun 21, 2016

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