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Amazing Waters (Piano)
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Album name:pftq / Music
Filesize:2833 KiB
Date added:Sep 15, 2013
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
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Amazing Waters (Piano)

Jul.06 - Sep.15 2013

This is a second draft of a remix/cover I'm working on. The original song was called "The Amazing Water" from the game "Nights into Dreams." It was one of the first songs I learned to play by ear, way back before I knew how to record or compose anything.

The changes I made in the new draft here include more improvisation and personalization of the song on my part when playing it, rather than just dumping notes from my 5-year-old memorization of the song. The song is intentionally not played to metronome this time, despite what some have suggested to me in the past. There might be odd slips in tempo here and there, but I felt the first draft was too robotic because I tried to played to time. I also took a little more care in cleaning up the recording, tried not to quantize as much so that the playing sounds more natural.

Originally the piano was just going to be a quick draft for me to start on an orchestral version of the track, but the piano's gotten a bit thick now. Still thinking on how to move forward from here; might actually need to backtrack on the piano a bit to make room for other instruments.

Sadly, my downed mood lately has somewhat found its way into what should have been very a cheerful song. I guess it adds more dynamic at least....

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I LOVE THIS SONG, and your arrangement of it does not disappoint Very Happy
Nov 21, 2013

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