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Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (5 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:1863 KiB
Date added:Oct 09, 2009
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:2812 times
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Sep.25 - Oct.09 2009


First time spending any real effort in orchestrating a song. There's a lot more variation than in my usual songs (a complete opposite to the lackluster "Blue Calm" song I made a few weeks earlier), and I actually bothered to play it at a constant tempo/beat this time... I should probably should start doing that for all my songs from now on anyways. Razz

Sadly, it's not a Halloween/horror song. One of my friends said it sounded like Christmas, which makes it completely out of season but ah well.

The song reminds me of drifting in the clouds... hence the name. This is another one of those songs I came up with while walking back from class one day. I seem to come up with most of my ideas that way lately. Very Happy

I'm actually not happy with the ending... it sounds a bit rushed and choppy to me. However, the song's been sitting in this state for about a week, and I haven't come up with anything better. Any suggestions would be great though.

**Updated Jun.12 2010: Boosted volume via compression. Let me know if it sounds weird or distorted.

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Laughing :lol: Razz :-P Very Happy :-D Smile :-) Neutral :-| Sad :-( Crying or Very sad :cry: Cool 8-) Surprised :-o Confused :-? Embarrassed :oops: Shocked :shock: Mad :-x Rolling Eyes :roll: Wink ;-) Idea :idea: Exclamation :!: Question :?:

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Page: 1

The ending doesn't sound rushed at all, and besides, at least this one has an ending unlike raindrops. Sounds more like a walk through campus to me, which is probably what you had in mind Very Happy
Jun 29, 2010
wow this is really good. i like how in the beginning you have a single voice, and then after that light introduction you add the strings to give that enveloping feeling. so good!
Jan 09, 2010
bwuahahahhaha christmas Laughing
Oct 10, 2009
Ok I ... err.. give.. no - I'm done with this song I think. Razz Don't know what else to do with it. Every time I change the ending it sounds worse. Any suggestions welcome.
Oct 10, 2009
Yay almost almost done... I guess I decided I liked all the mixes being in the ending - but only now I extended it so it gradually ends rather than with a splash. Still need some tweaking (and the very end is very messy) but you kind of see what I'm going for now.
Ehh... it kind of bugs me right now though that the ending is longer than half the song.
Oct 02, 2009
Ah it's ok - it's not an ending... I just repeated all the recordings and added a splash so it doesn't sound cut off. Razz
Sep 30, 2009
hehe it sounds nice to me. ^^ and finally it came to the end of the song? but the ending is still feeling a bit weird. (ehh so far so good. ava loves it!) Razz
Sep 30, 2009
Added the climax that comes after the lull between 2:00-2:30... Still working on it but you get a general sense. Also the last few seconds where there's a ton of instruments at once - I just threw all the mixes together with a splash, so it's not really part of the song... unless it sounds good anyways? Razz
Sep 29, 2009
I scrapped the old flute and played something else entirely. Also came up with a new piano/flute duo at the end.. still looking to make the transitions better and maybe add more of a climatic ending than I usually do.
Sep 27, 2009
awwww got cut off when ava's in a total enjoyment. >_< that made her fall from the sky right when the song got cut.
Sep 26, 2009

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