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Cloudless Daydream (Piano)
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Album name:pftq / Music
Filesize:10073 KiB
Date added:Jul 03, 2021
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:189 times
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Cloudless Daydream (Piano)

Mar.29 2020 - Jul.03 2021

Slow, melancholic piano improvisation I played some time about a year ago. It doesn't really go anywhere, but the melody comes back every now and then for me. The original melody and piece in Cloudless Dreams is much more uplifting, but in some ways, it feels like that only ever remained a dream while reality took this route instead.

The original Cloudless motifs, which if you like can be further listened to under Cloudless Medley.

Also on Newgrounds, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube

Created With: Piano, FL Studio, East West, Maximus, Kawai ES8

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Laughing :lol: Razz :-P Very Happy :-D Smile :-) Neutral :-| Sad :-( Crying or Very sad :cry: Cool 8-) Surprised :-o Confused :-? Embarrassed :oops: Shocked :shock: Mad :-x Rolling Eyes :roll: Wink ;-) Idea :idea: Exclamation :!: Question :?: