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Cloudless Sky (Piano)
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Album name:pftq / Music
Filesize:43 Bytes
Date added:May 15, 2021
Dimensions:774 x 600 pixels
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Cloudless Sky (Piano)

Dec.25 2016 - May.15 2021

Duo piano improvisation with Azuria Sky some years back that we both forgot about. Starts with some motifs from my Cloudless melodies before branching into something different. Everything is played live on the spot with no sheet music, and it was the first time we ever played together. A video breaking out the notes by player is on YouTube, but the software stopped separating the notes about half-way through, making it unclear who was playing what. The arpeggios are always from Azuria Sky, since I can't play those myself. And the random dissonant / creepy changes in tone are probably me.

Also on Newgrounds, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube

Created With: Piano, FL Studio, Kawai ES8

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