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Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:1029 KiB
Date added:Sep 02, 2011
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:3215 times
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Jul.07 - Sep.02 2011


Based on one of my older songs "Cloudless" and effectively orchestrating the piano solo spin-offs from it "Cloudful" and "Cloudfully". Lots of changes and variations on the main melody after playing it improvisationally a lot over the last couple years. I wouldn't really call this from a remake - if you listen to the original, you'll realize it's far from the original but still close enough to see the similarities.

This is my first really ambitious project in almost a year since Darker Stormy, so I'm hoping I haven't regressed in any way. Razz It's also my first time varying the key signature and tempo, so let me know if any parts of the song sound awkward or off-key. Any suggestions on how to handle this in general would also be great; I know nothing in regards to music theory so I'm just making this up by ear.

For a while I almost thought I was going to have to discontinue this one because I couldn't think of an ending .normally play this on piano and am able to just keep making up more on the spot. Not sure if a fade is appropriate here, but it seemed weird if I ended it on a single note. There's also the piano solo after the ending that I didn't know what to do with so I figured it could be a kind of an epilogue-ish bit after the ending; unfortunately I liked it too much to just leave it out, but I should probably not make this a habit....

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Laughing :lol: Razz :-P Very Happy :-D Smile :-) Neutral :-| Sad :-( Crying or Very sad :cry: Cool 8-) Surprised :-o Confused :-? Embarrassed :oops: Shocked :shock: Mad :-x Rolling Eyes :roll: Wink ;-) Idea :idea: Exclamation :!: Question :?:

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Just can't seem to leave this song alone. I noted a lot of the comments about sample quality and emptiness; tried swapping out all the VSTs for East West samples just to hear how it sounds and ended up with an EWQL version of Cloudless. It's a lot "fuller" for sure, but warmer and more passive. I can't tell which I like better now. >.
Mar 19, 2012
No idea what Maple Story is Mr Taishan. Confused
Feb 17, 2012
this sounds like a combination of maple story, harvest moon, and some really inspiring music....have you been playing maple story?? hahaha great song
Feb 14, 2012
wow, it sounds really good! the song's a lot stronger this way i think

btw the download link just leads back to this page...
Dec 25, 2011
Got a lot of feedback that the pitchshift was more noticeable than I wanted it to be. Went back and played with it a bit; think I might have shifted it one key too low originally so I raised it up a bit. Let me know if it still sounds weird but hopefully I made it better now (and not worse!).
Original pitchshift available here for comparison.
Dec 25, 2011
Good Job ^^ It's a very peaceful song that I can listen to while studying ^^
Sep 02, 2011
Sweet. Really takes off at the minute.
Sep 02, 2011
Well done Smile
This melody sounds like something from some sort of rpg games, but I like it very much <3
Sep 02, 2011
Bahaha - done Very Happy
Sep 02, 2011
Extended the ending of the main song after 7 min. Still have that isolated piano bit after the song ending that I don't know what to do with. And the actual "ending" is still missing. -_-
Aug 31, 2011

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