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Collision Course
File information
Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:704 KiB
Date added:Oct 25, 2014
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1557 times
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Oct.13-25 2014

Collision Course

Some more brainstorming, this time experimenting with more tension and build up. Wanted to make this longer but couldn't think of how to extend it without messing up the flow of the piece.

Also available on, SoundCloud, YouTube

Created With: FL Studio, East West, Maximus

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Laughing :lol: Razz :-P Very Happy :-D Smile :-) Neutral :-| Sad :-( Crying or Very sad :cry: Cool 8-) Surprised :-o Confused :-? Embarrassed :oops: Shocked :shock: Mad :-x Rolling Eyes :roll: Wink ;-) Idea :idea: Exclamation :!: Question :?:

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finis smith 
Great. To 'extend it', how about gently transforming the staccato explosive sounds into an acoustic bass; moving on with the same feeling, into more syncopated rhythms. Call Me re sound tracks. finis smith 415-215-6263
Dec 14, 2014

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