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Confucius-Laozi Powerpoint
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Album name:pftq / Presentations
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:15 KiB
Date added:Jun 12, 2007
Dimensions:800 x 600 pixels
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Confucius-Laozi Powerpoint

Jun.04-12 2007

This is a DVD compilation of the last powerpoint presentation I made before delving into video + flash and never looking back. This presentation was designed to act as the background to a skit, similar to show or play at the amusement park with lighting effects. The sounds, music, and images obviously are not mine but are used for educational purposes (school project) only.

The links to the actual presentation aren't public; you can only view the Powerpoint File (Presentation > Powerpoint File#.

Those that know me can see the full version here: Confucius-Laozi #DVD Full)

Created With: Powerpoint

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