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Fair Maiden
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Album name:pftq / Video and Animation
Rating (7 votes):55555(Show details)
Keywords:movie mmcmovies
Filesize:67 Bytes
Date added:Aug 02, 2008
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:3527 times
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Jul.29 - Aug.02 2008

Fair Maiden

Entry to a contest at psoriasis-cure-now.org for the humor track.
Entry on Youtube.

Took 4 whole days to make it... Had to hand-draw everything, make the music, make the voices - first time animating and also first time making everything. Am pretty proud of it. Razz

Nope, that's not my real voice, but it IS me speaking. Razz Just lots of filters added over. Very Happy Music I made in FL Studio - pretty basic song but fits the piece. All graphics hand drawn except the effects (lightning etc) which are done in After Effects (not that it's easier to do!).

Created With: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, Adobe After Effects CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3

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