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Island in the Rain
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Album name:pftq / Music
Filesize:572 KiB
Date added:Dec 23, 2011
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1434 times
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Oct.13 - Dec.23 2011

Island in the Rain

Oddly enough it wasn't raining when I first got this song stuck in my head. I seem to get the most ideas when exams and projects are coming my way; unfortunately I had to postpone this song quite a bit as a result of being much busier lately. I've been working on this since October but in actuality probably only put about a few days' work into it.

I had more in mind for this one but decided to cut it a bit short, keep the melody simple (little repetitive but eh), so I can focus more on the quality of the sound. I thought I focused too much on the melody/notes on my last song Cloudlessly and found the overall sound rather hollow (lacking power/quality). Of course, now I'm focusing primarily on just improving the sound; hopefully I'll put the two together one day lol Razz

Primary focus was the strings and background. Initially I had a lot of trouble giving the strings a fuller sound; they always came up too sharp or thin. There's a lot of blending of multiple different string VSTs to get the effect I want. The last bit I threw in that really brought out the sound in my opinion was adding a very subtle choir to support them. First time using choir/voices, so hopefully it doesn't sound out of place. ...

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Laughing :lol: Razz :-P Very Happy :-D Smile :-) Neutral :-| Sad :-( Crying or Very sad :cry: Cool 8-) Surprised :-o Confused :-? Embarrassed :oops: Shocked :shock: Mad :-x Rolling Eyes :roll: Wink ;-) Idea :idea: Exclamation :!: Question :?:

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Added voices/choir but very subtle to give the strings more of that enveloping feel. Also removed the switch to a different melody at the end after the gap (maybe leave it for a different song).
Dec 21, 2011
the MP3 link isn't working :/
Dec 15, 2011
lol cause it's not finished. Razz (thought that was obvious) Any ideas how to continue it would be great. Laughing
Nov 26, 2011
Your songs are always so beautiful. I think it ends a bit abruptly though.
Nov 26, 2011
Finally updated this after a month of stagnation... Extended the melodic first half of the song but need better sounding strings. Not sure if I'm actually keeping the bit toward the end though; seems out of place.
Nov 24, 2011

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