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Mythic Cops
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Album name:pftq / Machinima
Rating (3 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:89614 KiB
Date added:Feb 21, 2005
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:3965 times
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Feb.07-21 2005

Mythic Cops

One of my earlier successes in designing for the Age of Mythology/Empires games. Oddly enough, I didn't spend much more than a week or two on it, but I definitely had a lot of fun with it. Smile

The original project page can be found at AOM Heavengames.com.

Mythic Cops is a wacky story of two cops (Jacobble Stone and Carshoo Lase) attempting to catch a dark and powerful sorceror for speeding over the 5 MPH limit on Highway LoLoL. Will the they succeed? Will justice be served?!!

Created With: Age of Mythology: The Titans

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The AOM Heavengames link is in the description if you want the scenario file. The video as an FLV is in the Save as link.
Nov 02, 2013
how i can download this? Confused
Nov 02, 2013
This is the single greatest cinematic I've ever seen in AOM history.
Aug 26, 2010
Hey just watched this whole thing and wow it was AMAZING lol i really liked it pretty good for almost 2+ years ago Wink
Mar 01, 2008
Yes, sorry about that. Would also like to have completed MC2 but it's just been too long since I last used the AOM editor... Sad
Jan 20, 2008
hi I'm ska_ska_ska from AoM online, and im a huge fan of your work. I'm greatly disappointed that there will be no mythic cops 2 ='( but i understand that you're busy and there is no point with lack of interest. Best regars- ska_ska_ska
Jan 19, 2008

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