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Polterghost Theme
File information
Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (1 votes):11111(Show details)
Filesize:2414 KiB
Date added:Aug 28, 2014
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:736 times
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Jun.11 - Aug.28 2014

Polterghost Theme

A light-hearted song for a Leap Motion game I'm helping develop. The silliness of the song is meant to match the atmosphere and nature of the game. Hopefully it doesn't scare you too much. Smile

Also available on Bandcamp, Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube

Created With: FL Studio, East West, Maximus

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Laughing :lol: Razz :-P Very Happy :-D Smile :-) Neutral :-| Sad :-( Crying or Very sad :cry: Cool 8-) Surprised :-o Confused :-? Embarrassed :oops: Shocked :shock: Mad :-x Rolling Eyes :roll: Wink ;-) Idea :idea: Exclamation :!: Question :?: