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Softly Cheerful Museum
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Album name:pftq / Music
Filesize:577 KiB
Date added:Mar 25, 2013
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1888 times
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Softly Cheerful Museum

Jan.05 - Mar.25 2013

Attempting a cover of a song by a similar name (and probably less grammatically incorrect - "Soft Museum (Cheering Version)" from Nights into Dreams). This is my first time attempting a serious remix that's not just piano. I've been really empty on ideas lately, so hopefully this gets me moving a bit again. Plus I like the song and have always wondered how they do some of the melodies, so it's a nice learning experience for me too. Razz

Hardest part was figuring out the right instruments and dealing with the sheer number of them. I need better flute samples; East West flutes are too metallic. Also perhaps need a faster CPU as FL Studio + EWQL was slowing to a crawl throughout the piece. Definitely the hardest 2-min song I've made so far and was very challenging on a technical level, but I'm very happy with the end result. Smile

Also available on Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, YouTube

Created With: FL Studio, East West, Edirol Orchestral, Maximus

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LOL nice!!!!!!! I've been wanting to get that game for myself. I really like the pianos around 1:50
Mar 31, 2013

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