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Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:2251 KiB
Date added:Jun 22, 2011
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:1786 times
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May.08 - Jun.22 2011


Another song I started way back more than a year ago. It's modestly upbeat; some say it's similar to Cloudless but I think this one's a little more casual and simplistic in melody.

The beginning is quite close to how I wanted it to sound; it's also the first time I've messed with effects a bit so that was fun. The rest of the song more or less was thought out in chunks. Unfortunately I couldn't really think of ways to transition between them, so there are pauses here and there that I really didn't intend for.

I had much more in mind when I first started, but so far the song has been sitting in this state for about 2 weeks. Anything new I try to add seems to break the fluidity of the song, so I guess that's a wrap for now.

Also available on Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, YouTube

Created With: FL Studio, East West, Edirol Orchestral, Steinberg Grand 2

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This keeps getting stuck in my head recently lol. In a good way. I think it's because this song is uplifting and the last few days have been uplifting for me.

I agree with you though; the main reason why this reminds me of Cloudless is because they have a similar uplifting quality, but the feel of each song is substantially different. Cloudless feels a lot more powerful emotionally; this song has a lighter--and like you said, more casual--feel to it. Initially, Cloudless stands out to me a lot more for that reason, but I'm starting to like this song more and more as I listen to it too. I like how it has this energetic, fast-moving, almost bouncy feel while being beautiful and soothing at the same time.
Jun 26, 2011
Added a wind effect for the opening so it's like a calm before the storm. Smile

Also added more strings into the section afterwards - let me know if it starts to seem like too much or too cluttery. Still can't think up any new parts at the moment. -_- So essentially there's a still big gap in the middle where it jumps to the ending piano pieces and climax.
Jun 06, 2011
reminds me of Cloudless a little bit, except more upbeat. I feel like the instrumentation blends together really well
May 29, 2011

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