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Theme de La Cite des Enfants Perdus (Piano Cover)
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Album name:pftq / Music
Rating (1 votes):55555(Show details)
Filesize:2597 KiB
Date added:Aug 13, 2012
Dimensions:614 x 480 pixels
Displayed:3512 times
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Theme de La Cite des Enfants Perdus (Piano Cover)

August 13, 2012

This is just a light piano cover of Theme de La Cite des Enfants Perdus (The City of Lost Children) by Angelo Badalamenti. The original is a string arrangement and also a bit longer. Of course, this one is nowhere near as nice as the original, but I haven't heard it in piano before and got around to playing it.

Someone who actually plays piano can probably arrange this much better though as my use of chords is a rather limited.

The original score is in the credits to the movie - there are three distinct songs. The one I'm trying to cover is just the last one with the strings. Annoyingly enough, this version isn't on the OST which has a less peaceful version of the song.

Also available on Newgrounds.com, SoundCloud, YouTube

Created With: Piano, FL Studio, East West

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