Zoo Tycoon






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Water Tornado

Water Tornado

Date: August 16, 2003

Type: Animal

Game Version: Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania

Downloads: 337 | Download File

     After creating Fire as animal, it was only obvious to create Water as animal.  But just a puddle of water wouldn't be interesting.  Water spout animations were available in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and since  I didn't know what the proper names for these were, I went ahead and called them Water Tornadoes.

From the Readme:

Thanks for downloading Flamethrower's Water (water-sucking; the ones in water...) Tornado.

To use this "animal", place the ztd file inside the Updates folder of your Zoo Tycoon directory.

This is the folder address if you have used the default one:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesZoo TycoonUpdates

Enjoy this and REMEMBER!!! Act as if it's for real!(Besides the fact it's an animal.)

1.  I have been unable to correctly create the animations for the youth of this creature,
therefore, I'll say that it just multiplies.
2.  I have also been unable to make buildings and scenary placable in its exhibit like I
did with my first animal, Fire.

For Updates on this, check Zoo Admin website!

- Zoo Tycoon is a game by Bluefang and Microsoft Game Studios.
The pages in this particular part of the site are based on the old Zoo Admin. -