Fort Wars


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Fort Wars Changelog

     The first Fort Wars map, Fort Wars 0.9 Beta, was released on January 7 2006 after many weeks' work. Many updated versions have been released since then. Every change made from previous versions is jotted down and kept on record by pftq. Below is the changelog up to the latest release directly from those kept in the files.


[5.0 for AOE3 Definitive Edition]
- Edited by pftq
- January 25 2022
- Broadly fixing the map so it works again on AOE3 Definitive Edition (and hopefully no more game-breaking updates from Microsoft -_- ).
- Renamed math functions as AOE3 now has these names reserved apparently.
- Added unit ID search / self-correction to hopefully future-proof the map to game patches if the AOE3 devs change unit IDs again.

[2.5 for AOE3][3.4 for TWC] [4.1 for TWC+TAD]
- Edited by pftq
- AOE3 1.13 / TWC 1.06 / TWC+TAD 1.03, May 6 2011
- Forgot to "unlock" the map in the last version so people can host it. -_-

[2.4 for AOE3] [3.3 for TWC] [4.0 for TAD]
- Edited by pftq
- AOE3 TWC+TAD 1.03, May 3 2011
- Civ bonuses for Chinese, Japanese, and Indian are the same as Aztec, Sioux, and Iroquois respectively (at least until more players are around again to help test and balance new civ ideas).
- Changed instructions font to be cleaner and less serif-y.
- Fixed Tech and Unit Class IDs changed by the TAD expansion.
- Fixed unit stats for AOE3 TAD:
- Cassador HP increased to 105 from 85.
- Grizzly Bear HP at 220 HP instead of 300.
- Kanya Horseman at 285 HP instead of 270.
- Fixed Iroquois rams not receiving speed changes due to having the same ID as railroad workers.
- AOE3 TWC 1.06, April 26 2011
- Fixed spawning no longer working, caused by the latest game patches changing a number of Unit IDs.
- Fixed unit stats changed from patch 1.04: Dopplesoldner HP with 30HP increase, Bow Rider with 25 less gold.
- A few more balances from patches might exist; primary focus of this release was to get FW working again.
- AOE3 1.13, April 27 2011
- Fixed unit stats changed from patch 1.11-13: Dopplesoldner HP with 30HP increase.
- A few more balances from patches might exist; primary focus of this release was to just keep current with patches.

- Edited by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.06, April 26 2011
- Fixed spawning no longer working, caused by the latest game patches changing a number of Unit IDs.
- Fixed unit stats changed from patch 1.04: Dopplesoldner HP with 30HP increase, Bow Rider with 25 less gold.
- A few more balances from patches might exist; primary focus of this release was to get FW working again.

- Edited by pftq
- AOE3 1.13, April 27 2011
- Fixed unit stats changed from patch 1.11-13: Dopplesoldner HP with 30HP increase.
- A few more balances from patches might exist; primary focus of this release was to just keep current with patches.

-Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.02, March 10 2007
- Fixed rare glitch where Portuguese and French players have civ bonus requirements linked together.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.10, March 10 2007
- Quick adaption of some of the key features from 3.0 and 3.1 of TWC.
- Tower Attack Combined with Building Attack. [3.0]
- Base Fort Attack (affects upgrades) tripled to give slightly better fort. [3.1]
- Building Attack effect doubled. [3.0]
- Buyable Towers removed. [3.0] Replaced with Ranged Rockets (+4 Range and no range penalty).
- Game starts at Age 1 to avoid extra starting techs. [3.0]
- Mortars cost 25 (again). [3.0]
- Instructions revised. [3.1]
- Computer Players automatically move Alain to help skip instructions. [3.1]
- Computer Players automatically spawn infantry units. [3.1]
- Computer Players choose a random choice out of the 3 when they reach an award. [3.1]
- Skip Instructions fixed (broke when Nomad Age introduced) [3.1]
- Island units anti-grouping (ES has autogroup units) effect optimized to reduce load/lag. [3.1]
- Hussar moved down with Uhlans. [3.0]
- Llama scatters units in center every few minutes. [3.1]
- Coin limit on Llama removed and increases indefinitely to 120xp per sec. [3.1]
- Spawn triggers converted to XS and combined using kb functions; ingame lag reduced significantly. [3.1]
- Nomad fixed gun removed. [3.1]
- Nomad 75 coin unit start changed to 50-75 coin units, to add variety. [3.1]
- Llamas in Fort Nomad removed. [3.0]
- Scatter Bear Special added, which scatters units when the bear dies. [3.1]
- Gaining 15000 XP or more in one kill automatically cancels out. [3.1]
- 250 kills award changed from 2 range to 3 range for artillery, 1 building upgrade to 2. [3.1]
- Highlanders cost raised from 8 to 9. [3.1]
- Award text recoded more efficiently. (faster load time) [3.1]
- 1500 kills award: Omniscience (Spies), Revolution (All Spawned Units to Highlanders), Blessing of Arkantos [3.1]
- Spahi cost raised from 6 to 7. [3.1]
- Added return function to automatically move George Crushington and Bolivar away after seeing instructions. [3.1]
- 600 kills award changed from 4 oprichniks to 5 oprichniks. [3.1]
- Age detection enabled and non-Age1 games automatically end. [3.1]
- Ronin gain 500 base HP to reduce vulnerability to Rifler tech. [3.1]
- Super Bolas Warrior cost decreased 60 to 50 coin to boost popularity. [3.1]
- 800 kills award gives 2 bolas instead of 1. [3.1]
- Portuguese bonus changed: ranged infantry get 2/3 attack upgrade every 2 bought; less speed. [3.1]
- Fixed Mortar HP
- Medic Removed for complications

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.02, December 26 2006 to March 4 2007
- Dutch merc reverted to Hackepell (was most balanced at that point).
- Mortar HP fixed from being doubled.
- Iroquois Rams cost lowered from 6 to 5 coin.
- Spahi cost raised from 6 to 7.
- Russian reinforcements have Lil’ Bombards instead of Great Cannons.
- Age detection enabled and non-Age1 games automatically end.
- Ronin gain 500 base HP to reduce vulnerability to Rifler tech.
- Super Bolas Warrior cost decreased 60 to 50 coin to boost popularity.
- 800 kills award gives 2 bolas instead of 1.
- Computer Players automatically move Alain to help skip instructions.
- Computer Players automatically spawn infantry units.
- Computer Players choose a random choice out of the 3 when they reach an award.
- Skip Instructions fixed (broke when Nomad Age introduced)
- Updated HP stats to those of patch 1.02
- Instructions redone.
- “Revolt” Special added at 50 coin cost, changes units to Outlaw Musketeers.
- 250 kills award changed from 2 range to 3 range for artillery, 1 building upgrade to 2.
- Stopped coin from counting when players are dead.
- Sioux cutoff bonus message fixed.
- French bonus typo fixed.
- Nomad 75 coin unit start changed to 50-75 coin units, to add variety.
- Scatter Bear Special added, which scatters units when the bear dies.
- Base Fort Attack (affects upgrades) tripled to give slightly better fort.
- Llama scatters units in center and resets stealth units to default stance every few minutes.
- 1500 kills award: Omniscience (Spies), Revolution (All Spawned Units to Fusiliers), Blessing of Arkantos
- Gaining 15000 XP or more in one kill automatically cancels out.
- Wardogs disabled
- Nomad fixed gun removed.
- Spawn triggers converted to XS and combined using kb functions; ingame lag reduced significantly.
- Highlanders cost raised from 8 to 9.
- Portuguese bonus changed: ranged infantry get 2/3 attack upgrade every 2 bought; less speed.
- Award text recoded more efficiently. (faster load time)
- Store Island triggers optimized for load time.
- Island units anti-grouping (ES has autogroup units) effect optimized to reduce load/lag.
- Arrowknights removed from spawn.
- Fixed bug where French Oprichniks do not receive HP bonus.
- Iroquois ram HP +50% base and cost made 3 for 12 coin; cavalry get 50% seige boost instead of 25%.
- Aztec Bonus changed to: Spawned Heavy Infantry are faster and have 30% more HP but no Cavalry spawn.
- Aztec Merc changed to: Arrow Knights; reinforcements come with Skull Knights.
- Replaced 7500XP: Special Duration with RR Worker Special, which changes Spawned Units around Buffalo to RR Workers.
- Coin limit on Llama removed and increases indefinitely to 120xp per sec.
- 600 kills award changed from 4 oprichniks to 5 oprichniks.
- Added return function to automatically move George Crushington and Bolivar away after seeing instructions.
- Petards population down to 3 from 5; costchange of 5 coin changed to 3.
- Newly discovered arrays put into use and filesize greatly shortened.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 TWC 1.01, October 28 2006 to November 24 2006
- Arrow Knights added to level 4
- Techs fixed
- Due to ES's tech changes, All natives have 100% more base HP than before
- Native Awards and prices adjusted accordingly.
- Medic Special removed and replaced with buyable healers.
- Added Horse Artillery to level 3
- Added Light Cannon to level 3
- Added Gatling Gun to level 2
- Added Petards to replace towers award
- Buyable towers and upgrades removed
- Petards lowered from 225 base hp to 150.
- Hussar moved down with Uhlans.
- Tashunke Prowlers added to level 4, gain 1 pop to balance limit.
- Sioux get speed upgrades every 50 kills and dog soldiers for a merc, but coin decays 1 per second.
- Game starts at Age 1 to avoid extra starting techs.
- Surgeons improved healing (+9x).
- Cetan Bow unit added to level 2.
- Stats fixed according to TWC 1.0
- Stats fixed again according to TWC 1.01
- Aenna added to level 1
- Forest Prowler added to level 3
- Skull Knights added to level 4.
- Jaguar Prowler Knights added to level 3.
- Award added: Pick a warchief to empower your armies.
- Iroquois have buyable Elite Rams as mercs, light cannon and Melee Tomahawks for Reinforcements.
- Reinforcements now come every 3-5 minutes, instead of 5-6.
- Aztec start with an Aztec Warchief and get 5 arrow knights per reinforcement for artillery. No Los for spawn. Fusilier merc.
- Sioux Warchiefs get attack aura.
- Sioux get no artillery reinforcements but more mercs.
- Warchiefs have 4x stats of HP.
- Bow Riders added to level 3.
- Musket Riders added to level 3.
- Kanya Horseman added to level 1.
- Puma Spearman added to level 1.
- French gets 1/2 hp upgrade for all cavalry per number of upgrades.
- Mortars cost 25 (again).
- Llamas in Fort Nomad removed.
- Sioux Dogsoldiers get 1.0 more bonus vs infantry.
- Skull Knights receive -100 hp base.
- Improved autogrouping by ES, which causes units to group together and move on their own, has been countered!
- Russian fast-spawn bonus nonexistant in previous versions. Now fixed.
- Morale removed due to lack of use.
- Iroquois get stronger reinforcements, buyable rams, and hand cavalry have bonus vs buildings.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.09, October 16 2006
- Oprichnik stats and upgrades fixed.
- Random Bonuses:
-- George Crushingtons removed.
-- Learicorns removed.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.09, October 9 2006
- Fixed 150 coin and pop cap on Nomad Age.
- Costs not reduced until new cost added (avoid free units).
- Forbidden units disabled earlier on to avoid being trained.
- Nomad bonuses declared earlier.
- Reinforcements come at 5-6 minutes instead of 7 then 6-7.
- Portuguese also gets more expensive LOS.
- Aztec Chief Super Unit replaced with Nootka Warchiefs.
- Ronin HP Boosted due to light infantry being stronger in 2.x
- Build Limit on towers.
- Spawn no longer auto-selects in beginning.
- Removed several unit stat imbalances from Age Up techs.
- Morale HP boosted from 30% to 45% for 35 seconds instead of 45.
- Medic (Heal) Optimized to almost always fully healing.
- Random Bonuses:
-- Two ronin per reinforcement.
-- 50% faster spawn.
-- Center Cannon.
-- All players get 3 George Crushingtons
-- All players get 3 Learicorns
-- Longbowmen range and Lancer bonus removed

[2.0 from 1.5 Summary]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.08, April 12 2006 - August 18 2006
- Updated accordingly to all patches including patch 1.08
- Autoformations removed. NO SYNC ERRORS after game, but island units may randomly move.
- Starting the game in Nomad Age gives the map fun random changes each time. (list further below)
- Spawn is slightly faster overall.
- Starting Music mutable.

- Revamped civ bonuses to include large main strength and small weakness.
- Spanish receive 25% cheaper everything but have a 85 coincap.
- British start the game with 1 of each upgrade and two extra Towers but nothing else.
- French receive an extra HP upgrade to their Cuirassiers with every 1.5 upgrade made but have 25% less building hp.
- Dutch receive 25% faster coin rate and 10 higher coincap (more coin per kill and xp) but 10 less pop.
- Portuguese bonus changed to: 3 LOS upgrades with +2 range and 10% attack (tech, here it's 1/3 upgrade) for ranged cavalry every 2 upgrades but weakness of -1.5 speed.
- Russians get 40% faster spawn and 10 more pop but 20% lower hp on spawn units and their upgrades.
- Germans can spawn fast mercenaries at 95 coin but everything is 15% more expensive.
- Ottoman gets 20 lower coin requirements for spawning but no artillery spawn.

== STAT CHANGES ========
- Counter infantry rifling gives light infantry with firearms more bonus vs hand infantry.
- Attack and HP scaled up from 2.2 to 4.0 (4 times normal stats), making upgrades only 7.5% effective
- Fort HP scaled from 55000 HP to 25000 HP and set to 7.5% HP upgrades instead of 10%. Repair time from 500 to 400.
- Tower hp scaled from 4600 to 1800.
- Fort attack now included in scaling and upgrades.
- Tower attack remains tripled from supremacy to give instant kill attack (10.0 scale instead of 4.0)
- Fort Attack and Tower attack upgrading is still 25%.
- BASE OFF REGULAR STATS...Spawned artillery lose 4 range and cost more pop. Heavy Artillery has less HP (little over falconet).
- Great Cannons given a 1.0 speed boost to match the speed of regular artillery.
- Cannons gain 1 pop (requested by The_Hunter)
- Manchus gain 1 coin cost (requested by The_Hunter)
- Ronin and Bolas are 1 pop, Great Cannons are 3 pop.
- Outpost Wagon base HP increased by 300.

== BUYING ========
- Upgrade purchases ramps all unit upgrades. Ramps halved.
- Speed upgrades increases upgrade costs by 2 but adds 0.3 to unit speeds.
- Cost increases are displayed in purchase texts.
- Bolas Warriors made a superunit costing 60 coin, goes up 5 every purchase. Similar to Circe in NW.
- Ronin now cost 40 and goes up by 5 every purchase and made similar to Hersir in NW.
- Tower upgrades made regular store item.
- Tower upgrades give no HP (building HP already does).
- Building HP upgrades costs 25+4.
- Mortar costs 20 coin instead of 25.
- Great Cannons cost 30 +5 coin.
- Super Speed costs 40 coin but doesn't increase.
- Morale Special - 30% HP boost for 45 seconds. 30 coin
- Medic - Heals all units but vulnerable for 10 seconds. 40 coin
- Removed buying over pop cap.
- Reset purchase delay to 5 seconds - no need since mercs bought in groups.
- Surgeons removed.
- Posts and Explorer Removed.
- Fort Repair lowered to 80.
- Fort made units cost only 2 coin now.

== NOMAD AGE BONUSES (one each time) ========
- 10 speed boost
- 75 coin starting units.
- No cost increases.
- Coin comes 2 times faster.
- Reinforcements come every minute.
- Spies tech enabled
- Super range longbowmen and high bonus lancers vs infantry.
- The map is shrunk.
- Forts contain Llamas instead of Sheep.

== MAP LAYOUT ========
- Unbuildable terrain forming a spikey disk in the center of the map prevent towers from holding onto the llama.
- Outlying islands now given cliffs to maximize area (islands look bigger and cleaner).
- Swamp environment enhanced to be more like a swamp.
- Llama gives 1 coin of XP every 8 seconds to start. Faster every 5 min by 1 second.
- Explorer dogs removed for pointlessness. (no Explorer)
- No rain or snow due to lag with slower PCs.

== AWARDS ========
- Awards changed and re-arranged. Several new awards added. Awards made less powerful to not put the enemy so ahead.
- 600 kills now: 4 Oprichniks, 4 Towers, 3 Mortars
- 800 Kills now: 2 Ronin, 1 Bolas Warrior, 2 Great Cannons
- Added Buyable +1 Special Duration as third 7000XP Award (starts at 20 coin).
- Spawnable awards no longer kill existing units due to conflict with German's mercenary spawning.
- No game enders.

== TECHNICAL ========
- Archer attack tech replaced with Guard techs due to giving merc and native archers double upgrades.
- Merged all store island buying functions into one to reduce script size and make more efficient (faster load).
- Merged various other parts of the script to reduce filesize and loadtime.
- Script further optimized for less lag/load time.

[2.0 FINAL]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.08
- Great Cannons cost 30 +5 coin instead of 35.
- French old weakness of high spawn costs correctly removed.
- Random Bonuses_______
- No cost increases.
- Coin comes 2 times faster.
- Reinforcements come every minute.
- Spies tech enabled
- Super range longbowmen and high bonus lancers vs infantry.
- The map is shrunk.
- Forts contain Llamas instead of Sheep.
- _______________________
- Explorer dogs removed for pointlessness.
- Tower upgrades give no HP (building HP does).
- Base Tower HP lowered from 3000 to 1800.
- Spawn is slightly faster overall.
- British reduced to 1 set of upgrades and 2 more towers.
- Upgrade purchases ramps all unit upgrades. Ramps halved.
- Ramp increases removed.
- Outpost Wagon base HP increased by 300.
- Fort HP cost down from 35+4 to 25+4.
- Speed upgrades gone up from 0.2 to 0.3
- German bonus raised to 95 coin but made spawn faster.
- Spanish coin cap lowered to 85.
- Medic cost lowered from 50 to 40. HP percent modified increased from 13.332 to 13.333 to heal closer to 100%.
- Script further optimized for less lag/load time.
- 600 kills award lowered from 5 oprichniks, 5 towers, 4 mortars to 4 oprichniks, 4 towers, and 3 mortars.
- Portuguese gets weakness of -1.5 speed instead of 1. 3 LOS start
- French bonus nerfed to every 1.5 upgrade instead of 1.

[2.0 TestE]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.08, August 9 2006
- Special Duration cost starts at 20.
- Removed Special Duration unit costs of food etc
- Reduced starting lag by spreading it farther apart.
- Portuguese get their bonus every 2 upgrades instead of 4. Weakness is -1 speed.
- Surgeons removed.
- Rockets removed.
- Rain and snow lessened.
- Ronin and Bolas are 1 pop, Great Cannons are 3 pop.
- Ottomans get spawn cheaper for 20 coin instead of 15.
- Speed upgrades deal 0.2 delta instead of 0.1.
- Russians 20% less hp.
- French weakness is Spanish's low fort hp.
- Spanish now gets no cannons. No fort weakness.
- Cannon added to middle to make llama difficult to control. *removed
- Dutch have 90 pop weakness.
- Counter infantry rifling gives light infantry with firearms more bonus vs hand infantry.
- Great Cannons given a 1.0 speed boost to match the speed of regular artillery.
- Spanish gets 10 coin less coincap and Ottomans get no cannons.
- Updated accordingly to patch 1.08
- Autoformations removed.
- Nomad Age is Random Bonuses rmGetNomadStart()
- 10 speed boost
- 75 coin starting units.
- Building HP changed from 18 +5 to 35 +4.
- British bonus raised to starting with two of every upgrade, but lose the extra tower.
- Starting Music mutable.

[2.0 TestD]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.07, June 24 2006
- Portuguese bonus changed to: +2 range and 10% attack (tech) for ranged cavalry every 4 upgrades.
- Lowered upgrade ramp increase from 0.15 to 0.12
- Manchus gain 1 coin cost (requested by The_Hunter)
- Cannons gain 1 pop (requested by The_Hunter)
- Wardogs removed.
- 600 kills now: 5 Oprichniks, 5 Towers, 4 Mortars
- 800 Kills now: 2 Ronin, 1 Bolas Warrior, 2 Great Cannons
- 1250 and 1500 Kill Award Upgrades removed; load time greatly boosted.
- Added Buyable +1 Special Duration as third 7000XP Award.
- Posts and Explorer Removed.

[2.0 TestC]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.06, May 21 2006
- Fort HP scaled down to 25,000 from 45,000 HP. Reduced repair time from 500 to 400 to match.
- Other building HP scaled from 4000 to 3000.
- Llama gives 1 coin of XP every 8 seconds to start. Faster every 5 min by 1 second.
- Reduced rain and snow.
- Reduced tradepost cost from 10 to 8.
- Boosted bola attack by one increment.
- Lowered upgrade ramp increase from 0.25 to 0.15
- Removed buying over pop cap.
- Reset purchase delay to 5 seconds - no need since mercs bought in groups.
- Raised Great Cannon and Ranged Rocket costs as everything is more expensive.
- Lowered German expensiveness to 15%.
- Speed Upgrades reduced to 0.1 delta.

[2.0 TestB]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.06, April 30 2006
- Fort Attack and Tower attack upgrading is 25%. 50% was miscalculation.
- Less rain and snow to reduce lag on slower PCs.
- Portuguese gets LOS every 3 upgrades. Nootka Warchiefs cost 10 coin and Explorers have 500% more attack.
- Portuguese weakness reduced to 8 less artillery range.

[2.0 TestA]
- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.06, April 23 2006
- Revamped civ bonuses to include large main strength and small weakness.
- Spanish receive 25% cheaper everything but the Fort has 25% less HP.
- British start the game with 1 of each upgrade and an extra Tower but nothing else.
- French receive an extra HP upgrade to their Cuirassiers with every upgrade made but 15 higher spawn unit coin ranges.
- Portuguese gets 2 Super Explorers and LOS every 5 upgrades, but artillery has 10 less range.
- Super Explorer has exact stats of 250% more attack and 7 speed.
- Portuguese still trains Nootka Warchiefs and Ambushers, but as regular native units (traintime and pop, unmodded).
- Dutch receive 25% faster coin rate and 10 higher coincap (more coin per kill and xp) but 12 less pop.
- Russians get 40% faster spawn and 10 more pop but 15% lower hp on spawn units and their upgrades.
- Germans can spawn mercenaries at 92 coin but everything is 25% more expensive.
- Ottoman gets 15 lower coin requirements for spawning but 10 less coincap.
- Rockets added range and made a buyable unit.
- Archer attack tech replaced with Guard techs due to giving merc and native archers double upgrades.
- Wardogs refixed to 10 limit.
- Attack and HP scaled up from 2.2 to 4.0 (4 times normal stats), making upgrades only 7.5% effective
- Fort HP scaled from 55000 HP to 45000 HP and set to 7.5% HP upgrades instead of 10%.
- Tower and other buildings hp scaled from 4600 to 4000.
- Fort attack now included in scaling and upgrades.
- Tower attack remains tripled from supremacy to give instant kill attack (10.0 scale instead of 4.0)
- Fort Attack and Tower attack upgrading is still 50%.
- Tower upgrades and Retrieve Explorer made regular store items. Retrieve Explorer costs goes up by 2.
- Merged all store island buying functions into one to reduce script size and make more efficient (faster load).
- Merged various other parts of the script to reduce filesize and loadtime.
- Build Limit on natives reduced by half to match low pop.
- Fort Repair lowered to 80.
- Bolas Warriors made a superunit costing 60 coin, goes up 5 every purchase. Similar to Circe in NW.
- Ronin now cost 40 and goes up by 5 every purchase and made similar to Hersir in NW.
- Mortar costs 20 coin instead of 25.
- Awards changed and re-arranged. Several new awards added. Awards made less powerful to not put the enemy so ahead.
- No game enders.
- Swamp environment enhanced to be more like a swamp.
- Unbuildable terrain forming a spikey disk in the center of the map prevent towers from holding onto the llama.
- Spawnable awards no longer kill existing units due to conflict with German's mercenary spawning.
- Hospitals and Surgeons cost less.
- Trading posts have no LOS to reduce strong center control.
- Explorer LOS upgrades removed to avoid LOS being given to dead Explorers.
- Cost increases are displayed in purchase texts.
- Small train time added to natives to avoid constant spam.
- Natives cost pop to avoid overmassing.
- Fort made units cost only 2 coin now.
- Spawned artillery and culverins lose 4 range and cost more pop. Heavy Artillery has less HP (little over falconet).
- Upgrade cost increases gradually go higher.
- Outlying islands now given cliffs to maximize area (islands look bigger and cleaner).
- Super Speed costs more to avoid allowing the use of heavy infantry against everything.
- Morale Special - 30% HP boost for 45 seconds.
- Medic - Heals all units but vulnerable for 10 seconds.
- Each appropriate environment now has a chance of rain or snow. Darker settings may also occur.
- Halberdiers set as 50 coin heavy infantry. Janissaries and Musketeers moved down to 25 coin.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.07, June 26 2006
- Removed Wardogs due to techs causing problems.
- Fixed several exploits.
- Obfuscated script with a program written by Matei to prevent hacked/editted Fort Wars versions.
- Switched 50 coin and 25 coin heavy infantry units.
- Super Speed cost goes up by 5.
- Speed upgrades decreased to 0.1 delta from 0.5
- Take out 3 and 5 upgrade awards to speed up load time. Shift 1250kills 5 ronin... award down to 1000 and change to 3 ronin, 3 GC, and 7 lakota
- Grenadiers cost 1 more pop, Organ Guns cost 2 more, and cannons cost 3 more pop.
- Cannons have 4 less range and 8 less LOS.
- Reduced starting lag by spreading it farther apart.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.06, April 30 2006
- Updated various stats changed in patch 1.06 including costs, such as negative coin costing cavalry archers.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.05, March 26 2006
- Spanish Swiss Pikes spawn extremely slow below 50 coin and take 3 pop instead of 2.
- Dutch receive 30 XP (1 coin) every 9 seconds.
- French Cuirassier HP capped at 30 minutes.
- Germans receive 25% cheaper units instead of 20%.
- Russian bonus changed to 2 Great Cannons per reinforcement and 1000 Fort HP every minute for 30 min.
- Super Award displayed at end of instructions to show up when skipping instructions.
- Players are told to run the Fort Wars Fix map to avoid out of sync errors.
- Wardogs take no pop. Max set at 10.
- Crossbowmen removed as too weak.
- Rockets removed as too weak.
- 800 Kill Award Pop Bonus lowered to 15 to accomodate smaller pop.
- Llama now trickles 1 coin worth of XP.
- Spawn delay no longer resets when switching from one unit line to two and vice versa.
- Fort Repair now set at 90 coin instead of 100. Not 80 cause Mike thinks it's sooooo cheap.
- Desert Cliff variation removed due to lagginess.
- Great Cannon pop raised to 4 to avoid massing.
- Abus Guns spawn faster.
- Player names with special characters no longer freeze the map.
- Reinforcements start at the beginning of the game.
- Upgrade messages now display the amount of upgrades you have purchased.
- Number of upgrades displayed next to coin cost when pointing at the unit.

- Editted by pftq
- AOE3 patch 1.05, March 5 2006
- Smaller Map
- 100 pop cap
- Faster Coin: 1.25 kill or 30 xp
- Llama LOS only encompasses pit
- Load text and tooltip when pointing at map icon
- Faster Island response (buys occur instantly)
- Cliffs removed
- Swamp lake minimized to avoid open cliff edges
- Field hospitals enabled and given tower hp
- Outpost LOS too big now - lowered to 8
- Slower llama coin trickle compared to gameplay
- Player bases are the same size on in any number of players game
- Costs fixed that were changed by ES in 1.05
- Manchus removed
- Explorers get 50% attack; Portuguese get 30% of their super stats
- Oprichniks made super (15 coin a piece)
- Mortars made as an XP Award in place of Explorer award (25 coin a piece)
- Retrieve Explorer replaces Building HP Award
- Building HP made always upgradable
- German mercs bought in sets of 3 for 5 coin
- Nootka made cost (6 coin) and now have 3/4 less hp instead of 1/2
- Trade Route removed, but Trading posts can still give 40 (2 coin) XP every half min
- Tower upgrades ramp up less (3 to 2); slightly more effective attack (3/2x); less hp effect (10% instead of 30)
- Culverins added to unit line spawn
- Culv pop reset to 4; Great Cannons set to 3 instead of 2, as coin is worth less now.

- AOE3 patch 1.04, February 5 2006
- Faster Load.
- Seven Samurai removed for balance issues.
- Fort HP lowered
- Upgrades are now 13%
- Organ Guns spawn slower and switch ranks with grenadiers which also spawn slower.
- Germans have cheap island units and barbary corsair mercenaries.
- British get 20 coin instead of 23.
- Coin is based off XP and Kills combination: 40 XP or 2 kills
- Slower 0 coin unit spawn.
- Cheaper healing units.

- AOE3 patch 1.04, January 28 2006
- Spawn units are now different every game
- Abus Gun moved to top of line anti infantry
- Cassadores moved in with skirmishers
- Trading posts upgraded to include trade routes and better natives
- More unique civ bonuses
- Attack and HP upgrades less effective
- Other upgrades more effective
- Upgrades have more ramp
- Better Awards
- Old super units deemed useless; new one added Super Ronin
- Specials Seven Samurai and Super Speed
- Added Swamp and Jungle environment, all environments now include cliff variation, cliffs added to mainland as variation

[0.9 BETA]
- AOE3 patch 1.03, January 7 2006
- 3 Environments
- Same spawn every time