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(2005-2007)   Age of Empires III | Age of Mythology   (2004-2005)
Zoo Tycoon   (2003-2004)

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VR Jetpack Game
VR Jetpack Game
VR Jetpack Game
Physics-based VR with full freedom of flight. VR that feels and controls like a real jetpack. A real-time multiplayer VR arena. »

Game, VR | April 8, 2018 - July 1, 2020
Unreal Engine, HTC Vive, Samsung Odyssey, Oculus Rift

Stickman 3D
Stickman 3D
Stickman 3D
Game I made for a summer camp class. Seems rather basic compared to what I've done in the past with Fort Wars, etc, but it's my first time taking any computer science class so it's only intro. Guess everyone has to start from the beginning at some point. Also available on the official Scratch site if the embed here isn't working: Directions... »

Game, Script | June 23, 2007 - June 28, 2007

Advanced Triggers Set
Advanced Triggers Set
Advanced Triggers Set
Advanced Triggers Set One for AOM, One for AOE3 Version 1.01 February 7 2007 Works on both Expansion and Non-Expansion (See Readme for details) Also downloadable at AOM Heaven and AOE3 Heaven Discussion threads: AOM Heaven / AOE3 Heaven INTRODUCTION      Many of the effects/conditions you find here have long been said "impossible" or require just far too much lab... »

Game, Script, Add-On | February 5, 2007 - February 7, 2007
Age of Mythology: The Titans, Age of Empires III, Age of Empires III: The Warchief, Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties
Downloaded 1546 times

Castle Blood
Castle Blood
Castle Blood
     This map is designed for Age of Empires 3 "The Warchiefs" v1.01. Castle Blood is a long requested map by a number of players in the Age of Empires III community. Castle Blood is a common map originally found in Age of Empires II. However, due to obvious differences in the two games, there are a number of changes between this Castle Blood and the old ones, especially as it is unclear... »

Game, Script, Map, Multiplayer | December 27, 2006 - January 13, 2007
Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs
Downloaded 1396 times

AOE3 Racer
AOE3 Racer
AOE3 Racer
      A simple race map for Age of Empires III. Attack your opponents to slow them down. Fight nature units for XP, which allows you to become better units. Each kill speeds you up. Do whatever it takes to reach the Mighty Llama first! »

Game, Script, Map, Multiplayer | November 4, 2006
Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs
Downloaded 529 times

No-Rush Mapset
No-Rush Mapset
No-Rush Mapset
     Official ingame maps with the addition of an invisible wall in the middle and no attacking for a set period of time, in order to replicate a No-Rush style of play. After a set timer, the wall is removed and attacking is allowed. Map are perfectly identical to the originals otherwise. Joint project by pftq and Furby_killer. »

Game, Script, Map, Multiplayer | June 26, 2006 - June 28, 2006
Age of Empires III
Downloaded 20622 times

Observer 1v1 Map Pack
Observer 1v1 Map Pack
Observer 1v1 Map Pack
     Normal game maps set up as a 1v1 between the first and second player, with the rest of the players in "Observer Mode," where they can watch the game but not chat to either of the players that are fighting. They can however chat among themselves. Maps are perfectly identical to how the original map would be in 1v1. Special thanks to realn for helping out and persuading me to complete ... »

Game, Script, Map, Multiplayer | June 17, 2006
Age of Empires III
Downloaded 1684 times

Cannon Fodder
Cannon Fodder
Cannon Fodder
     Each player is in control of a ridiculously powerful cannon. Kill fodder/units that are spawned in the middle to gain HP and have the owner of the fodder lose HP. Don't let your own units die or you will lose HP. »

Game, Script, Map, Multiplayer | April 7, 2006
Age of Empires III
Downloaded 1130 times

Fort Wars
Fort Wars
Fort Wars
     The single most played user-made random map script in Age of Empires 3, reaching over 18000 downloads on just AOE3 Heaven alone - not counting ESO (Game Server) distribution and downloads from other fansites. »

Game, Script, Map, Multiplayer | December 19, 2005 - January 28, 2006 | Last Updated January 25, 2021
Age of Empires III
Downloaded 6512 times

Tifflrol's Journey
Tifflrol's Journey
Tifflrol's Journey
One of the longest projects I worked on for Age of Mythology before I realized the scope I was going for was just unfeasible. The amount of time spent redoing maps as I got better at designing was also an obstacle. The best product out of this is probably the intro cinematic. Norse Hersir named Tifflrol has his village invaded by a witch, Circe, and her army of monsterous creatures. He an... »

Game, Campaign, Map, Movie | July 21, 2004 - October 9, 2005
Age of Mythology: The Titans
Downloaded 1682 times

War of Mini-Empires
War of Mini-Empires
War of Mini-Empires
War of Mini-Empires is an extremely customizable multiplayer map by default played in Conquest Mode. Basically, two players may take as long as both need to build up their empires on opposite ends of the map. A supernatural invisible bearier seperates the two from fighting or doing damage to each other. Even Godpowers or flying units may not pass. When both are ready, they both kill their Sha... »

Game, Map, Multiplayer | March 21, 2005
Age of Mythology: The Titans

Mythic Cops
Mythic Cops
Mythic Cops
One of my earlier successes in designing for the Age of Mythology/Empires games. Oddly enough, I didn't spend much more than a week or two on it, but I definitely had a lot of fun with it. The original project page can be found at AOM Mythic Cops is a wacky story of two cops (Jacobble Stone and Carshoo Lase) attempting to catch a dark and powerful sorceror for s... »

Game, Movie | February 7, 2005 - February 21, 2005
Age of Mythology: The Titans
Downloaded 3965 times

Great City's Fall
Great City's Fall
Great City's Fall
One of the many projects I was working on before my leave from Age of Mythology. Sadly this was perhaps my only serious attempt at a cinematic, which was never finished. I never did have a title, so currently, it is simply "Great City's Fall". »

Game, Movie | January 15, 2005 - February 21, 2005
Age of Mythology: The Titans
Downloaded 318 times

Impossible Creatures Maps
Impossible Creatures Maps
Impossible Creatures Maps
One of the less-noticed games I moved into as I was transitioning from playing Zoo Tycoon to playing Real-time Strategy (RTS) games. The editor wasn't nearly as friendly as the ones I would later find in Age of Mythology, but they drew my interest well enough. While it wasn't necessarily a very balanced strategy game, it was my first and also exposed me to my first time making maps/scenar... »

Game, Map, Multiplayer | May 26, 2004 - July 18, 2004
Impossible Creatures
Downloaded 1451 times

Transportation Mini-Expansion
Transportation Mini-Expansion
Transportation Mini-Expansion
One of the last projects I worked on for Zoo Tycoon. It was one of the more unique ones I've made, finding that I was able to set entry and exit points away from the building so guests appeared to "teleport". I noticed this from Pixigger's Hotel Chain buildings, where the entry/exit points were a square or two away from where the building actually was. Unfortunately, this also p... »

Game, Add-On | January 19, 2004 - January 28, 2004
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 283 times

Living Lifeless Pack
Living Lifeless Pack
Living Lifeless Pack
One of my final projects before leaving Zoo Tycoon. As usual, continuing with animating otherwise inanimate objects - allowing people keep lamps and other items as living pets. This time, with much more experience at hand, the items are actually complete (they have all animations, interact with other animals, including my own user-creatd ones, etc). Initially labeled the release as pa... »

Game, Add-On | January 4, 2004 - January 18, 2004
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 557 times

A ride/building (they're the same in Zoo Tycoon at a technical level) requested by one of the forumers at Zoo Admin. Put together the file with some help from Casey. At this point, I was gradually beginning to get the hang of creating buildings and editing the files without A.P.E. - using just Notepad. From the Readme: Thanks for downloading the Merry-Go-Round. Programming done by Flame... »

Game, Add-On | January 10, 2004 - January 14, 2004
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 323 times

2003 Christmas Expansion
2003 Christmas Expansion
2003 Christmas Expansion
A 2-month project started by flamethrower and KillerPenguin222 in creating a Christmas-themed pack of about 156 animals, objects, and buildings. Originally, it was released over two smaller packs at Zoo Admin (for those who wanted to use the items before Christmas arrived) and later updated with a patch (or really just a replacement file). From the Readme: 2003 CHRISTMAS EXPANSION Sta... »

Game, Add-On | October 26, 2003 - December 23, 2003
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 1185 times

ZT Designer Resources
ZT Designer Resources
ZT Designer Resources
Zoo Admin set up a new downloads section while I was active called "Designer Resources". We would add textures and other useful material so other designers could utilize these items for their projects. Most of what I submitted were available in the game, but could not be extracted very easily. What I personally found most useful was the gridlines I set up - especially when matching objec... »

Game, Add-On, Resource | November 6, 2003 - November 26, 2003
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 97 times

2003 Halloween Expansion
2003 Halloween Expansion
2003 Halloween Expansion
A one-month project creating a Halloween-themed pack of about 25 animals, objects, and buildings - originally released only for Zoo Admin. This is arguably the first real attempt at making anything substantial, and obviously it's the first real project that took than just a few days to complete. From the Readme: 2003 HALLOWEEN Expansion Started By Flamethrower 03 HExp Scnry file1 I... »

Game, Add-On | September 30, 2003 - October 26, 2003
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 707 times

Water Tornado
Water Tornado
Water Tornado
After creating Fire as animal, it was only obvious to create Water as animal. But just a puddle of water wouldn't be interesting. Water spout animations were available in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and since I didn't know what the proper names for these were, I went ahead and called them Water Tornadoes. From the Readme: Thanks for downloading Flamethrower's Water (water-sucking; the ones... »

Game, Add-On | August 16, 2003
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 336 times

Fire as an animal that can be caged, tranquilized, eaten, etc. My very first game-modification ever released online (at Zoo Admin). Graphics aren't even mine, but snapshots taken from Roller Coaster Tycoon. Animal was designed and pieced together in the Zoo Tycoon editor called A.P.E. Initially, this even had problems with animations loading correctly; it would revert to a cat when... »

Game, Add-On | July 27, 2003 - July 29, 2003
Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania
Downloaded 341 times