Music | May 8, 2011 - February 14, 2022 | Last Updated July 18, 2021
FL Studio, East West, Edirol Orchestral, Steinberg Grand 2
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Here is a complete list and index of everything I've ever made and put on my site.
Of course, this site is also created almost entirely by me, but I think that's obvious. :P
Sparkle in the Dust | Sparkle in the Dust Piano and strings bit that were leftovers to the more uplifting Sparkle piece from my earlier years. It's a complete opposite of the more blissful feel of the original released song, and it was hard to figure how to finish, as a result. Original song here: Sparkle
, SoundCloud, YouTube... »Music | May 8, 2011 - February 14, 2022 | Last Updated July 18, 2021 |
![]() VR Jetpack Game Trailer Theme 3 | VR Jetpack Game Trailer Theme 3 Shortened version of the original VR Jetpack Game theme. »Music | March 25, 2020 - June 30, 2020 |
![]() VR Jetpack Game Trailer Theme 2 | VR Jetpack Game Trailer Theme 2 Short piano variation on the VR Jetpack Game theme for the second trailer. »Music | June 20, 2020 |
![]() VR Jetpack Game Menu Theme | VR Jetpack Game Menu Theme Main menu theme for the VR Jetpack Game.
, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube »Music | June 19, 2020 |
![]() VR Jetpack Game Trailer Theme | VR Jetpack Game Trailer Theme Spent the past month making both the trailer footage and music for my VR Jetpack Game. The score is not the actual music in the game itself, but it plays on the main melody and has been stuck in my head for most of the year. Been a while since I finished any music, so it's a nice feeling. (and yes, there's a koto)
, SoundCloud, YouTube... »Music | July 21, 2019 - July 29, 2019 |
Softly Cheerful Museum | Softly Cheerful Museum Attempting a cover of a song by a similar name (and probably less grammatically incorrect - "Soft Museum (Cheering Version)" from Nights into Dreams). This is my first time attempting a serious remix that's not just piano. I've been really empty on ideas lately, so hopefully this gets me moving a bit again. Plus I like the song and have always wondered how they do some of the melodies, so it'... »Music | January 5, 2013 - March 25, 2013 |
Dilo's Shun | Dilo's Shun Not one of my better pieces but it's been sitting in my work folder for 2 years and I couldn't think of anything to build off it. I still like it but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere and there's that feel that something's missing.
This is one of the quirkier songs in a while. Had it in my head for a while since Thanksgiving 2011 but didn't really have time to work on it till around Ch... »Music | November 22, 2011 - June 23, 2012 |
Nightfall | Nightfall Seems like I'm getting some inspiration back. Thought of this one while sitting bored and hungry during discussion section a couple weeks back. Forgot the song for a while before I could come up with a draft of it.
It seems like a mix of "Trickling Winds" and "Raindrops". However, this deviates a lot from the style of my older songs; most obvious is the more heavy use of choirs and percussi... »Music, Artwork | March 6, 2012 - March 19, 2012 |
Island in the Rain | Island in the Rain Oddly enough it wasn't raining when I first got this song stuck in my head. I seem to get the most ideas when exams and projects are coming my way; unfortunately I had to postpone this song quite a bit as a result of being much busier lately. I've been working on this since October but in actuality probably only put about a few days' work into it.
I had more in mind for this one but decided ... »Music | October 13, 2011 - December 23, 2011 |
Cloudlessly | Cloudlessly Based on one of my older songs "Cloudless" and effectively orchestrating the piano solo spin-offs from it "Cloudful" and "Cloudfully". Lots of changes and variations on the main melody after playing it improvisationally a lot over the last couple years. I wouldn't really call this from a remake - if you listen to the original, you'll realize it's far from the original but still close en... »Music | July 7, 2011 - September 2, 2011 |
Sparkle | Sparkle Another song I started way back more than a year ago. It's modestly upbeat; some say it's similar to Cloudless but I think this one's a little more casual and simplistic in melody.
The beginning is quite close to how I wanted it to sound; it's also the first time I've messed with effects a bit so that was fun. The rest of the song more or less was thought out in chunks. Unfortunately I c... »Music | May 8, 2011 - June 22, 2011 |
Cloudful (Piano) | Cloudful (Piano) Just piano and no editing or other instruments - improvisation that started off similar to one of my older songs Cloudless but gradually just became a mix of whatever I could play in the same key. There are a lot of random transitions and misplayed keys, but eh - just something I made quickly.
And yes, I know the left hand never changes. I've never taken piano lessons, so I can't really ... »Music | December 25, 2010 - December 27, 2010 |
Darker Stormy | Darker Stormy This is a Halloween song I actually started in October 2009 but never came back to (it was only a minute long then). It's probably the most procrastination-afflicted song I've worked on so far, due to weeks and months where there was virtually no progress. At least I managed at least finish in time for this year's Halloween though.
The song itself is probably one of my more complex ones. ... »Music | June 7, 2010 - October 30, 2010 |
Raindrops | Raindrops As the title suggests, think of rain when you hear this song. Think of rain in all its forms (drizzling, shower, storm, hail...) and then think of the sun when it begins to emerge. The initial idea was for the piano to represent rain and the flute as either life in general or the sun (just something counter to the chaos), but it's really up to interpretation. I just happened to think of this s... »Music | February 26, 2010 - April 11, 2010 |
Cloudless | Cloudless First time spending any real effort in orchestrating a song. There's a lot more variation than in my usual songs (a complete opposite to the lackluster "Blue Calm" song I made a few weeks earlier), and I actually bothered to play it at a constant tempo/beat this time... I should probably should start doing that for all my songs from now on anyways.
Sadly, it's not a Halloween/horror song.... »Music | September 25, 2009 - October 9, 2009 |
Blue Calm | Blue Calm I had this tune stuck in my head while walking back from class a few days back. The visual I somewhat saw as I was making this was mostly rain and then the ocean. It seemed calm and the water looked blue, so that's where the name came from. It's bad, I know.
I originally spent about 2 hours playing this out just to put out ideas before I forget them. Afterwards, I kind of did forget... a... »Music | September 12, 2009 - September 13, 2009 |
Open Doors | Open Doors Something I put together in a couple hours. Was going to let it sit so I get more ideas, but they never came. Sadly never looked back on this song so I just decided to wrap it up.
However, it does form a perfect loop. »Music | November 24, 2008 |
Bad Lucker (Orchestral) | Bad Lucker (Orchestral) An orchestral version of Bad Lucker (Piano) - hopefully other instruments should add more dimension to the song. Everything is played by keyboard in separate layers. The piano I am satisfied with, but I'm not really sure how the other instruments are fitting in. First time trying anything really serious and to this scale - suggestions welcome!
Used in my club's Halloween Little Kook in a ... »Music | September 12, 2008 - October 3, 2008 |
Bad Lucker (Piano) | Bad Lucker (Piano) Initially something I made up randomly back in April 2008. Trying to clean up the song a bit. No editing - Played live on keyboard (as if everything else isn't? Some people don't think so)
Planning to add orchestra background to it later. Some people told me they prefer just the piano though.
Using the final product for a video I'm working on for Halloween. ^_^
»Music | September 12, 2008 - September 28, 2008 |
No More Days | No More Days Continuation of "Another Day".
Hit a bit of a creative stump; can't figure out how to transition between parts of the song and the ending - so it may seem a bit abrupt at times. Most of the tunes were played through on keyboard in one run - I think I may have messed up a few times here and there. I probably will remake this song if I ever get the chance.
Also available at »Music | August 28, 2008 - September 8, 2008 |
Another Day | Another Day Incomplete song. Not sure how else to continue it so I'm leaving it as is for now... maybe it works as it is.
Also available at »Music | August 21, 2008 - August 22, 2008 |
Torment | Torment Yay! Finally played something half-decent. Actually I played this by accident.. and just went along with it.
But I like it - sounds nice.
Also available at »Music | August 18, 2008 |