AE Rename-Title-to-Filename Script

Released: Oct 23, 2010

Type: Script / Tool

Download Here: AE Rename-Title-to-Filename Script

Num. Downloads: 130

     This is a simple but useful script template for adding customized titles to a large number of video clips in Adobe After Effects.  In some of the work I do, I've had to create titles for several hundred videos.  Rather than type each title in After Effects, the expressions/code in this template allow you to just drag the video into the timeline and have the title automatically change to the filename.

     The script requires your filenames to be formatted a certain way; a useful tool to do this in a batch process is the Ant Renamer:

     The general process in titling your videos in After Effects revolves around duplicating the template composition and dragging videos into each of the timelines.  You can customize the title how ever you want before starting the below process.

1. Rename video clips.  Be exact.
The most important dividers are the '--' and '_'.

Format: Prefix or text to ignore--Text on Line 1_Text on Line 2
Example: 2010-10-23_09-13-14--Walking with Dinosaurs_The Documentary

The title becomes:
Walking with Dinosaurs
The Documentary

2. Open the Batch Titles Template.aep file and save as a new file (you don't want to lose the original).

3. Drag your video clips into the Projects window.

4. Duplicate the Template composition.  Drag your video into the timeline as the 3rd layer, replacing the "[timestamp...]" placeholder.  The title onscreen should update automatically.  Repeat this step as necessary.

Feel free to discuss or ask for help in the forums:
AE Rename-Title-to-Filename Script - Discussion and Support

Tags/Keywords: After Effects CS5

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