Advanced Triggers Set

Advanced Triggers Set

Date: February 5, 2007 - February 7, 2007

Released: Feb 07, 2007

Type: / Game / Script / Add-On /

Subtype: Designer Resource

Download Here: Advanced Triggers Set

Num. Downloads: 1547

Version: 1.01

Advanced Triggers Set
One for AOM, One for AOE3
Version 1.01
February 7 2007

Works on both Expansion and Non-Expansion (See Readme for details)

Also downloadable at AOM Heaven and AOE3 Heaven

Discussion threads: AOM Heaven / AOE3 Heaven
     Many of the effects/conditions you find here have long been said "impossible" or require just far too much labor to achieve.  I would therefore like to announce that below, you will find them all working perfectly and perhaps even more powerful (more features) than you expected.
     Example: Convert Units in Area
     - This is one of numerous effects once claimed rather "impossible" due to a lack of a command such as trConvertUnitsinArea.  However, using advanced Knowledge Base Queries, this is achieved perfectly and even more customizable than a standard Convert Units in Area would have been.
     For Age of Mythology, you can now build yourself new effects with the "Army - " effects.  There is much power in these effects as you can use "Army - Add/Remove Units in Area" to add units in an area to an army.  Then apply any effect/condition to these units using the already existing Army effects/conditions.  That is but one of several "Army - " effects you can use to create new effects.

     Note: Please read over the included Readme file for important information on using the effects/conditions.  This description is incomplete.
     For those who have downloaded these effects/conditions before individually, please delete them and install these.  Not only are countless issues fixed and many improvements made, the new files keep the effects/conditions seperate from the original and easy to remove/update.
     Changes from the original, stand-alone effects/conditions include:
     - Center/Target Unit now works perfectly
     - All units can be used to Center/Target Unit (even Cinematic Block)
     - All fields accept any form of data INCLUDING but not limited to:
     -- Quest Var Code (enter trQuestVarGet("QVNAME"))
     -- Player Stats (enter trGetStatValue(PLAYER, STATID_NUMBER))
     -- Math Operations (5*PlayerStat)
     -- Any XS Code (just open the typetest.xml and start digging!)
     XS Effects/Conditions have been included to allow you to enter any form of data for the original effects/conditions as well, even the Unit Selection.  This allows you to make use of "QV Set OBJECT ID" effects and enter the QV with the OBJECT ID stored.

==== Trigger Set Version Updates ====
*February 7 2007:
- Army Add/Remove Unit accepts multiple unit selections, under request of unnamed person.
- Quest Var Compare Group and Save Highest/Lowest fixed when using > or <.  Wrong version was put into pack.
- ID Viewer allows multiple unit selections, under same idea.

*February 5 2007: Released.
     << Sharing Scenarios >>
     Triggers do not "mod" games.  They are saved and carried with scenarios that use them.  Therefore, people who view a scenario with these effects/conditions do NOT require them installed.
     << Online Usage >>
     All effects/conditions, whose standard counterpart works fine online, will also work fine online.  Those that have counterparts which normally do not work online (Teleport), will not work online.  Also take note if the effect/condition name contains "MP" or "SP", signifying whether the effect/condition is designed for Multiplayer or Singleplayer.

     << Modding my game?! Will I be able to play online?! >>
     Of course you will.  This is not a mod in the general sense, but rather an add-on to the editor.  It will not affect your normal gameplay.


     These are all the effects/conditions contained in this set:
Army Operations
- Army Add/Remove Unit
- Army Add/Remove Unit of Type
- Army Add/Remove Units in Area (Center Unit)
- Army Add/Remove Units in Area (Point)
- Army Copy From Army
- Army Remove Units with HP
- Army Remove Units with Percent HP
- Army Remove Units by Index
- Army Remove All Units (Clear)
Change Name in Area
- Change Name in Area (center unit)
- Change Name in Area (point)
Convert in Area
- Convert Units in Area (center unit)
- Convert Units in Area (point)
Copy Units in Area
- Copy in Area SP (center unit)
- Copy in Area SP (point)
- Copy in Area MP (center unit)
- Copy in Area MP (point)
- Copy/Convert in Area SP (center unit)
- Copy/Convert in Area SP (point)
- Copy/Convert in Area MP (center unit)
- Copy/Convert in Area MP (point)
ID Viewer
Move to Self in Area
- Move to Self in Area (center unit)
- Move to Self in Area (point)
Near Unit Effects
- Army Build Building Near Unit
- Army Deploy Near Unit
- Army Move Near Unit
- Army Teleport Near Unit
- Invoke God Power Near Unit
- Move From Area To Near Unit
- Move Near Unit
- Teleport Units to Near Unit
- Unit Build Building Near Unit
- Unit Create Near Unit
Near Point Effects (Optional, Pt File)
- Army Build Building Near Point
- Army Deploy Near Point
- Army Move Near Point
- Army Teleport Near Point
- Invoke God Power Near Point
- Move From Area To Near Point
- Move Near Point
- Teleport Points to Near Point
- Unit Build Building Near Point
- Unit Create Near Point
QV Compare Group Set
- QV Compare Group (Condition)
- QV 1- Start Highest or Lowest
- QV 2- Save Highest or Lowest
QV Set Army Effects
- QV Set Army Num. Units
- QV Set Army Current HP
- QV Set Army Max HP
- QV Set Army Health (Percent HP)
- QV Set Army Num. Units with Min. Health
- QV Set Army Unit OBJECT ID
QV Set Unit Effects
- QV Set Unit Current HP
- QV Set Unit Max HP
- QV Set Unit Health (Percent HP)
- QV Set Unit Action Type ID
- QV Set Num. Workers on Unit
- QV Set Unit (OBJECT ID) in Area (Center Unit)
- QV Set Unit (OBJECT ID) in Area (Point)
QV Set Units in Area
- QV Set Units in Area (Center Unit)
- QV Set Units in Area (Point)
QV Set Distance to Unit
Scatter Effects
- Scatter - Random in Area (center unit)
- Scatter - Random in Area (point)
- Scatter - From Original Location (center unit)
- Scatter - From Original Location (point)
Teleport Units in Area
- Teleport Units in Area (center unit)
- Teleport Units in Area (point)
To Unit Effects
- Army Build Building At Unit
- Army Deploy To Unit
- Army Teleport To Unit
- Invoke God Power At Unit
- Move From Area To Unit
- QV Invoke God Power At Unit
- Teleport Units in Area (center unit) To Unit
- Teleport Units in Area (point) To Unit
- Teleport Units to Unit
- Unit Build Building At Unit
- Unit Create At Unit
XS Effects/Conditions
- XS version of all appliable effects/conditions


     I do not claim to have "discovered" the commands used to achieve this however.  The proper credits would perhaps belong to TwentyOneScore, who actually discovered how to use these commands and had done so many times in his maps, nearly 4 years ago (2003).  Note that I do not state he discovered the commands themselves; they were listed in Age of Mythology's documentations.  He discovered how to "use" them in triggers.  Originally, they were listed for other aspects of the game such as AI and victory conditions.  Unfortunately, he did not post many guides (if at all) and primarily created Random Map Scripts; the commands were then forgotten and buried once he left.

     Still, much effort and many days have been put into this pack to make it function properly.  As said before, TwentyOneScore did not post much about this; rather, he only posted a list of these commands and sometimes a few examples (with not clear explanation of the commands themselves).  Instead, I myself had to actually "rediscover" many of what he probably already knew.  This is well illustrated by the fact that the original effects/conditions, for example, selected object ids instead of name ids - in which they would corrupt when units were deleted.  More frustrating moments involved actually figuring out how to use and customize kb queries out of close to nothing.  It can be said that although TwentyOneScore perhaps was first to use them, I had very little reference and in a way, had to start from near scratch.

     Note that not all effects/conditions here relied upon those commands.  Some are in fact created just from me.  Such examples include the "QV Save Highest or Lowest", which allows one to grab the highest/lowest QV out of a group of _infinite_ number of QVs.  The effects stack and comparisons can be reset (start fresh) by a mere button in the effect panel.  Another excellent example which I do not believe has been done before, is the ability to preserve unit relative locations when teleporting (or copying).  The current Teleport Effect places all units in one spot; enabling "Retain Unit Positions" will force it to remember where the unit was, in relative to the center location.  Yet another example is the "Scramble" effect.  This uses just fancy QV math to calculate a random position, in whatever boundaries one chooses (even a radius within each unit itself).  Many of the effects/conditions here are also purely of my own trigger work.

Tags/Keywords: Age of Mythology: The Titans, Age of Empires III, Age of Empires III: The Warchief, Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

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