Released: Jun 15, 2008
Type: Web / Script / Tool
Num. Downloads: 214
Version: 1.05
More than anything, this is a tool designed for my personal use. I only release for the sheer possibility someone might also find it useful. FlashShow is designed to create a slideshow out of Flash video files. In a way, it is similar to Powerpoint - for function. Think of it as being able to create videos and use them as a Powerpoint slideshow. Better yet, it is being able to use a video editing program, such as After Effects, to make your Powerpoint presentation. That is the sole purpose of FlashShow.
The limitation here comes in only being able to use the Flash format (either F4V or FLV at the time of this release). The maximum resolution supported is 800x600, after that it just scales down and you won't get any real quality improvement. However, Flash video has steadily been increasing in quality (with the support of High Definition codecs in F4V).
Tags/Keywords: Adobe Flash CS4, ActionScript 3
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