SMF Stock Charts

Date: August 15, 2010 - January 2, 2012

Released: Jan 02, 2012

Type: / Tool / Script / Mod

Num. Downloads: 47

Version: 2.0

Download for: SMF 1.1.x, SMF 2.x

This is a very simple mod package to allow stock charts to be embedded in your posts via BBC.  Once installed, the following codes will return charts from the following sites:

6-month Daily Chart by

10-day Intraday Chart by

Interactive Flash-based chart (slower loading, one per topic) by

[schart]GOOG[/schart] - 6-month chart for Google

Obviously, the credit for the charts go to their respective owners.  This mod just makes it easier to embed the charts on your site rather than having to recreate the chart and settings each time to embed as an image.

Also available on SMF Mods.

Tags/Keywords: PHP, mySQL, SMF Forums

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