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Teleportation Arch

Teleportation Arch

Teleportation Arch

Date: January 24, 2004 - December 31, 1969

Type: Game / Add-On

Download/View: Teleportation Arch

Downloads/Hits: 36

     Series of Arches that guests can walk through, become energized, and then appear several squares away from where they started.

     Part of the Transportation Mini-Expansion. Buildings in this set revolve around the use of "teleportation" - a characteristic I found by setting entry and exit points farther away then the building's size/footprint.

From the Readme:

Teleportation Arch
by Flamethrower

  The Teleportation Arch is a transportation device.  Guests enter through either ends of the arch and get teleported a certain amount of game tiles away.  The exact amount of tiles warped through is stated in the parentheseses of the name.  The energy emitted from the Teleportation Arch is so great that it causes guests become very energetic and happy, while  reducing all the hunger, thirst, and bathroom needs.
  The Teleportation Arch will operate on both land and water.  The technology put into this invention is so advanced, the Teleportation Arch will teleport guests straight through objects and onto the destinated tile.  If the destinated tile is on a cliff, the Teleportation Arch will warp the guests onto it, no matter how high the cliff is.

To Use:

Click Start and then click Run.  Type in the following:

C://Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon

The path may vary depending on whether or not you changed any options during the installation of Zoo Tycoon.

A window will open up.  Place the dll files into the window and the ztd files into the dlupdates folder or Updates folder.  Either will do, but the dlupdates folder is prefered because it doesn't mix up official and unofficial downloads.

If you have downloaded other buildings part of the Teleportation Mini-Expansion, you will replace your current dll file with the new one included.

Start the game and enjoy!

Programmed by Flamethrower.
Original Graphics from Zoo Tycoon.

Only to be downloaded from Zoo Admin.

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