pq Visitor Counter and Tracker

Released: Feb 03, 2007

Type: Script / Web / Tool

Download Here: pq Visitor Counter and Tracker

Num. Downloads: 3098

Version: 1.12

     Extremely customizable visitor counter and tracker using PHP5 and mySQL.  I used it on my own site for many months before considering a release version.  Note this is not compatible with later versions than PHP5 due to them not preserving legacy code. Live Demonstrations: Discussions/Info:
  I've always hated how static and unchangable things were when I downloaded scripts.  Every aspect of the counter I ever needed changing, I made it changable in the settings file.  I hope it will be one of the most customizable and easy-to-use scripts you will have.

     The installation is very simple (only 3 steps).  The script does all the work.

     Once installed, the counter consists of a huge array of features.  These are but a few of what is possible:
  • Counting Visitors From the Whole Sites (not just one page, not just one domain either!)
  • Counting a Visitor only once every customizable duration
  • Visits have customizable durations
  • Visitor Tracker tells where visitors are, what time, their referer, their entry page...
  • Current Number of Visitors Online
  • Record highest counts of visitors online, visits per day, month etc
  • List every visit made in the past day
  • Filter Visitor lists by any field and show only active or human visitors
  • Conditions to detect new visitor/visits for customizing your pages
  • Cross-domain tracking.  Use one counter and track visitors/counts from multiple domains.
  • Ignore or block IPs (bots, spiders..)
  • Blocking visitors based on referers or URL requests (hackers/spammers).
  • etc - feel free to request features.

This is the very counter I created for this site and use for myself. :)

Tags/Keywords: PHP, mySQL

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