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August 21st, 2012

August 21st, 2012 7:11:42 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Out of BAC calls at $.40 (+185%), stock at $8.40 (re-entered a couple days ago at $.14 after already making almost 100% in one day).
More than content with this stock already. Tongue

I'm thinking it should pullback at least a little bit (intraday timeframe in mind) from the resist at $8.40 exact.
But my program just generated another buy signal on today's candle and $8.25 break, so I'll probably get back in on longer expiration end of day.
Edit: Have to see the price near close first though - buy signal today can be completely cancelled out if the candle is no good.

Also out of BBG at $1.80, already past my expected holding period.
Doubled calls on Sept. 700x AAPL during the pullback just now.

Watching for an exit on SPY as I don't want the weekly decay to bite into my gains.
Edit: Got out at $1.20 (+50%) on calls (from $.80 last week).  Think it'll go higher but I'll probably want to re-enter and father expiration calls.
160 unique view(s)

August 16th, 2012

August 16th, 2012 8:07:22 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
If we close here, we break the upper trendline resist for SPY. (bullish) But it's very close to the stronger horizontal resistance right above.
Looks like the long signal from June still works though.

August 16th, 2012 10:30:11 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Quite interesting.  Pretty much all the trendline breaks I'm getting today on my program are long signals.

August 16th, 2012 11:07:55 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Picked up a few BAC Aug24 calls at $.10 in anticipation of the upward trendline break (and recent market resistance break).  Only a few because it hasn't actually broken on my program yet, so I'm frontrunning the signal a bit.

Special thanks to Davecash at Hotstockmarket for the heads up.

August 16th, 2012 1:32:13 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Some other breakouts picked up by my program going into close.  Didn't have time to trade them though as I'm already busy with my existing positions.

168 unique view(s)

August 15th, 2012

August 15th, 2012 6:43:54 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Into SANM September calls at $.45

Current still watching LVLT and just added EXEL to my watchlist based off my bottom indicator.

August 15th, 2012 10:41:40 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
HUN just showed up as a potential resistance break.  Going to wait nearer close to make sure it doesn't ruin that candle.

August 15th, 2012 12:16:26 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Added HUN Sept calls at $1.20 - quite some resistance at the stock price of $14.50 though; hope to see that break before close.

Also added BBG Sept calls at $1.75, in anticipation of the below upper trendline break.
157 unique view(s)

August 14th, 2012

August 14th, 2012 6:48:00 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
I ended up picking up a few ADI 40x Sept. calls at $1.20 yesterday after the stock pulled back up to $40.40-ish.  VNO looks like it's bouncing so I'll wait for that to end.

Edit: Got out of ADI calls at $1.25 - didn't look like it was going to hold in this range for much longer without a pullback.  That and the program actually bought and sold a few days ago already, so I'm jumping in late anyway.

Also using a configuration I made for modeling SPY, my program is showing that SPY is right at a major resistance (overlapped red candle you can barely see further right) - thinking of going long in anticipation of a break, especially since the program actually went long 2 months ago, but I'll wait for a pullback first (since I'd be going in 2 months late if based on the automation).

August 14th, 2012 1:02:38 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
The SPY trendlines are pretty darn accurate - we bounced right off the resist today exactly.
August 14th, 2012 12:44:03 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
So I found out Yahoo's historical quotes don't include today.  That set me back quite a bit and I spent most of my morning rewriting code to pull from their other API for today's quote.

I'm trying to avoid trading stocks that the program already closed positions on.  Had to re-run my scan on the Russell index for trendline breaks.  It's still running right now (only have 100 done), but I've gotten one so far that isn't closed yet at least.

I'll see about entering depending on tomorrow's open.

LVLT at 21.56

Other stocks it pulled up for the past week but already closed longs on were GOOG and WHR.
August 14th, 2012 12:54:15 PM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Finally got one that was opened today.  Still going to wait till tomorrow for confirmation though.

SANM at 8.90
166 unique view(s)

August 12th, 2012

August 13th, 2012 1:08:13 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
Finally able to trade again after a long summer.  No more holding in the future though while gone (DMND Sad But PEP did awesome so oh well ).

In the mean time, I wrote myself a small program for automated screening and technical analysis.
Right now the most consistent indicators are volume + trendlines, so I'll be trying out real trades with those first.

So far I've picked up the following on my screens but will be watching more before deciding on entry.  The automation doesn't time the entry that well yet, so I'll still be doing that myself for a while but it's nice not to have to use Equity Feed or anything like that anymore.

ADI at $40 (intended long)

VNO at $80 (intended short)
162 unique view(s)

November 18th, 2011

November 18th, 2011 8:11:17 AM PST
Posted by pftq | #
pftq (Official) says in Stocks Daily Discussion...
A couple weeks ago, I posted about a potential inverse H&S on FAS working a right shoulder for the holiday season.

Kind've forgot about it in the course of things but it seems like we're dipping just enough to get that right shoulder right now.  This means nothing if we break down further and ruin it, but it's interesting to see if we do confirm it (and thus get the EOY rally so many seem to expect, followed by a breakdown in 2012).

Here's an updated chart:

Right now, I'm in another SPY straddle in at 122, slightly weighted toward the long side.

Nice bounce today, almost 200 points on DOW.  I'm expecting we'll see another day or two of continuation before coming back down again.

Going into December, I'm mainly watching this inverse H&S formation on FAS.  I realize FAS is not a market indicator, but I notice that it's generally been easier for me to gauge the market using it.  Maybe it smoothes out some of the more extreme fluctuations or something.

^Basically what I said about a couple more days or so of uptrend, then a pullback further for the right inverse shoulder (the 3rd dip in the W) before we go up more strongly.

For the longer term, I'm still thinking we'll be up overall in Q4 before we seriously head down in 2012.  If the chart above holds the next few weeks, it should confirm that.

Edit: Just keeping an eye on currencies here - we might go into that third dip sooner without more uptrend, so I'd watch for an entry on the short side rather than try to time the bounce.