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File Management

April 5th, 2009 | Posted by pftq in 42 | #

Tools to sort, rename, and organize your files...

     Seems like the operating system would be best for managing your files, but this isn't always the case.  Several times, I'd want to rename a whole batch of files, or maybe I'd want to fix the creation times of my pictures.  As usual, the free stuff is always best - there's no reason to buy bloated software for essential needs as these.  Below are the best I've found.  Feel free to suggest more.

Programs and Tools

Ant Renamer - Lets you rename a batch of files to either a pattern, date and time, EXIF info, and more.  Very light - does pretty much everything.
CCleaner - Wipes free space, especially useful for Solid State Drives (SSD) to boost performance.  SSDs tend to slow down after more files are written to it; this would "reset" the free space a bit.
DriveImage XML - Freeware for cloning/copying hard drives, if you don't want to shell out money for something like Acronis (a lot more reliable but expensive).
JPEG Timestamp Modifier - Modify the creation/modified times of multiple jpeg files, either by shifting increments in seconds/hours or renaming to the EXIF info.
MacDrive - Allows Windows to open a hard drive with the MAC HFS file system.  Program isn't free though.  If anyone knows a free alternative, let me know.
Raise Data Recovery for HFS+ - Very handy tool for opening Mac drives in Windows and either exploring the current file system or recovering/repairing.  Lets you browse and search as opposed to just scanning like most other recovery software.

Information and Resources

iPhoto Pictures Location - Getting around the abstraction iPhoto creates to hide the physical files.  Quite necessary if you're, for example, trying to recover files off a corrupted drive.  The incredible difficulty in finding this answer was rather humorous.

Last Updated May 24th, 2012 | 1083 unique view(s)

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