Things to Read
Below are just interesting sites to go through, to read or skim through, if you're ever bored or just looking for something to read or skim through because you're bored or not.
(say that 10x fast! Ha!)
100 Most Beautiful Places in the World - All the places I want to one day see with my own eyes.
Enneagrams - One of many approaches to understanding motivations and personality types.
Fallacy List - Improve your own reasoning to keep a clear rational mind. Unfortunately makes it difficult not to notice all the fallacies made by everyone else.
The Film Transition - Good site for film rankings and reviews, particularly on sci fi.
How to Fly - Article with step-by-step instructions on how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
How to Steal 100 BTC From an Exchange - Post showing how bad the programming on some of the major bitcoin exchanges are, with the comments following up on how NoSQL and MongoDB is so blindly mis-used by new programmers nowadays just out of popularity that it leads to these kinds of issues.
Intolerance of Intolerance - Good write-up on an issue where political correctness and imposing one's "righteous" views on another are becoming ever more prevalent.
Is the Facebook Generation Anti-Social? - Interesting article pointing out many of things that frustrate me about my peers... though I don't really know how to get around it either.
Last Days of the Polymath - Article detailing how modern life is becoming more and more specialized... and something that made me realize why modern also seems so dissatisfying for those like me.
Loneliness: The Burden of Artists - Good and very relatable write up on how hard it is to relate to others who are not giving up their 9-5 to pursue their aspirations.
Making Crash Bandicoot - Interesting and inspiring read by the co-creator of the original Crash Bandicoot games on how he met his first co-founders and started the games.
The Myth of AI - A good reality check and critique of the issues with overusing machine learning in society today.
Nakamoto's Neighbor - Very inspirational article about one of the earliest collaborators on the Bitcoin code.
Racketboy: Retro-Gaming - Articles on the oldest and rarest games/systems as well as various other categories.
Startups Lacking Ambition - Article describing quite accurately in my opinion how so many startups today (at least in the bay area) do just apps, websites, or social media rather than something truly world-changing.
VFX Artists Taking Over Hollywood - Good view on how many directors started as VFX artists.
Why Hans Zimmer Got the Job You Wanted - Inspiring example of how someone with strong vision and dedication trumps not having much formal training or specialization.
Why I No Longer Contribute to Stack Overflow - Critique of the ask and get answer mentality of many Q/A sites now. Extends to Quora and other communities where there is less discussion or actual learning anymore and more just of spouting answers. A good follow-up example on Stack Overflow here: Regex Matching Open Tags Except XHTML

100 Most Beautiful Places in the World - All the places I want to one day see with my own eyes.

Enneagrams - One of many approaches to understanding motivations and personality types.
Fallacy List - Improve your own reasoning to keep a clear rational mind. Unfortunately makes it difficult not to notice all the fallacies made by everyone else.
The Film Transition - Good site for film rankings and reviews, particularly on sci fi.
How to Fly - Article with step-by-step instructions on how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
How to Steal 100 BTC From an Exchange - Post showing how bad the programming on some of the major bitcoin exchanges are, with the comments following up on how NoSQL and MongoDB is so blindly mis-used by new programmers nowadays just out of popularity that it leads to these kinds of issues.
Intolerance of Intolerance - Good write-up on an issue where political correctness and imposing one's "righteous" views on another are becoming ever more prevalent.
Is the Facebook Generation Anti-Social? - Interesting article pointing out many of things that frustrate me about my peers... though I don't really know how to get around it either.
Last Days of the Polymath - Article detailing how modern life is becoming more and more specialized... and something that made me realize why modern also seems so dissatisfying for those like me.

Loneliness: The Burden of Artists - Good and very relatable write up on how hard it is to relate to others who are not giving up their 9-5 to pursue their aspirations.
Making Crash Bandicoot - Interesting and inspiring read by the co-creator of the original Crash Bandicoot games on how he met his first co-founders and started the games.
The Myth of AI - A good reality check and critique of the issues with overusing machine learning in society today.
Nakamoto's Neighbor - Very inspirational article about one of the earliest collaborators on the Bitcoin code.
Racketboy: Retro-Gaming - Articles on the oldest and rarest games/systems as well as various other categories.
Startups Lacking Ambition - Article describing quite accurately in my opinion how so many startups today (at least in the bay area) do just apps, websites, or social media rather than something truly world-changing.
VFX Artists Taking Over Hollywood - Good view on how many directors started as VFX artists.
Why Hans Zimmer Got the Job You Wanted - Inspiring example of how someone with strong vision and dedication trumps not having much formal training or specialization.
Why I No Longer Contribute to Stack Overflow - Critique of the ask and get answer mentality of many Q/A sites now. Extends to Quora and other communities where there is less discussion or actual learning anymore and more just of spouting answers. A good follow-up example on Stack Overflow here: Regex Matching Open Tags Except XHTML
Last Updated Oct 25th, 2016 | 1085 unique view(s)