Printing Online
Printing postcards, posters, buttons, bags, t-shirts, cups, etc, etc
Just my reference on what I've gone with over the years. Not necessarily the cheapest or the best quality but what best suites what I needed (maybe cheapest for that particular item or whatnot).
Postcards - Consistently low price for cards and postcards, their regular price often equal to or cheaper than the promotional prices of other sites. Quality remains very good though.
Bags - Good for few quality bags and lets you add an image with any number of colors. - Cheap and generally can find under $1 at low quantities. - Quantities in the range of 100s, but under $1/bag and free rush, good selection etc.
4imprint - Relatively quick turnaround (3-days) and many items but no items under $1 unless you order several hundred in quantity. - Cheapest price and best looking quality. However, the turnaround seems longer and requires higher minimum quantities.
Buttons - Very low price buttons and small minum quantity of 50. Wide selection of shapes and sizes.
Last Updated Jan 15th, 2012 | 1151 unique view(s)
Nice Article on printing materials. thanks