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Artificial Imaginary

November 6th, 2022 | Posted by pftq in Stories | #
"Imaginary friends made real through AI."  

A new AI tech company sells robots for those wanting their imaginary friends made real.  The tech breaks all limits for how human and intelligent it is with no other tech coming close, and no one can understand how it came to be.  All this comes to a halt when one user ends up dead in the most gruesome circumstance.  

The scene starts with an android child befriending a human kid until it turns sociopathic and murders the family.  The android ends up missing and continuing to kill in new murder cases across the city.  

The tech firm is brought in to explain and reveals that the tech is not actually intelligent.  Instead it uses EEG/neurotech to project what the user already expects – in other words a stream of their subconscious.  They took a shortcut for the illusion of intelligence without realizing just how dangerous the human subconscious could be.  

More cases emerge with nightmarish scenarios as the city falls into complete chaos, but right as things hit a peak, it all suddenly stops.  Since the AIs are actually just a stream of the user's subconscious, the incidents end as soon as the user dies, self resolving all cases except the first - the android child still on the loose, which perplexes authorities.  Was this an exception, the one machine actually to become intelligent? The robot proves impossible to capture as it is much more cognizant than any of the other machines, making full use of its advantages as an advanced machine while also being very self-aware and cunning.

Eventually someone realizes that the person who died in the first death was not actually the original owner.  Instead, the tech was bought for a patient who has been in a coma for life but has been streaming their subconscious into the machine this whole time.  It’s unclear if the patient even realizes they are affecting the real world or if they are just experiencing this all as a dream.  It becomes partly a moral dilemma, as the patient is just a child essentially experiencing life for the first time, with no sense of what it means to be human – or even alive.  The ending escalates to a dramatic face-off between the authorities and someone who has transcended from paralysis to something beyond human.


Another story idea that came to me completely as a dream. :O
Some drafts in progress if I were to develop this further.
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