Tennis Notes
Personal tennis notes for myself. I am ambidextrous and play tennis with both hands (or two rackets), so I've had to come to my own conclusions on a lot of things. I also trained initially under a coach who basically had me hit every shot with an extreme western(?) grip for top spin, even on serves both hands (which results in inside-out slice serve, I think - not sure what it's called), so most advice I get has often not been helpful (especially things like suggesting *not* to use such an extreme grip). My grip is actually rotated to the point it is actually a continental grip, except I hit with the outside face instead which is the complete opposite and forces you to over-rotate to meet the ball and creates the kick in top-spin. The hand motion without a racket looks like I am hitting the ball with the back of my hand instead of the palm. I went through some phases in my life post-college where I was repeatedly told I was holding the racket wrong...[More]
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