Internet Community is Overly Saturated
Found this article here while just browsing web today. It really hit home for me, since I've been around for quite some time.
The Internet is Opinion Saturated
I personally “grew up” on the internet back in the early 2000s (I was 12 then when I was part of various communities making games and other content together). It’s funny because I remember people (including myself) would constantly get warned or even banned (at worst) by moderators for things as simple as being rude or lacking manners. Now all of that pretty goes out the door when you connect online, which is very sad to see. It’s as if all the effort back then to preserve a bit of dignity online pretty much went to waste.
Sometimes I...[More]
The Internet is Opinion Saturated
I personally “grew up” on the internet back in the early 2000s (I was 12 then when I was part of various communities making games and other content together). It’s funny because I remember people (including myself) would constantly get warned or even banned (at worst) by moderators for things as simple as being rude or lacking manners. Now all of that pretty goes out the door when you connect online, which is very sad to see. It’s as if all the effort back then to preserve a bit of dignity online pretty much went to waste.
Sometimes I...[More]
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