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Laruto's Lament

December 27th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Laruto's Lament by ellebirdy23
398 unique view(s)

Ignorance on MIDI - It is Not Sound

December 25th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
There seems to be a trend going on lately that whatever was used back in the 90s must be dated and irrelevant today.  This isn't just on MIDI but more on that maybe some other time.

Some of the more frustrating comments I've heard these days is that somehow MIDI "sounds" dated or cheesy.  There is always so much surprise when someone finds out I use MIDI to record my music but worse is when they suggest *not* using MIDI as a way to improve the quality of the sound.

Now you can say - sure, there's always going to be misconception about various things, especially technology related.  The more troubling thing is this was being taught in a few university classes I took on music and computers.  Hard part is hearing the lecturer rant against MIDI as some old way of making music that sounds cheap to the ear, when really MIDI does not "sound" like anything at all.  It is merely a sequence of recorded notes in digital form (like digital...[More]
1081 unique view(s)

Toma mi Mano esta Noche

December 12th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
431 unique view(s)

Sleeping Entity

November 28th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Society is a collective entity yet to become self aware.
355 unique view(s)

Imperfect Genesis

November 13th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stories | #
In the beginning, the world was but a blank canvas, a fresh landscape for gods to shape as they saw fit.  After they added life and other final touches to their work, they decided to strip themselves of their power, join their creation as mortals, so that their emotions and imperfections do not allow them to destroy what they so cherished, perhaps as they once did in another time.  What they did not realize, however, was that the capacity for their destructive nature came not from their omnipotence but from their ability to reason.  Thus even without their power, the destruction they feared for their creation came to be nonetheless, only this time they would not remember it.
353 unique view(s)

Wanting Everything

October 6th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You may feel like you want nothing from the world... but then you realize what you actually want is just unattainable.
392 unique view(s)

Growing Up

September 14th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Sometimes you wish you didn't have to grow up.  But you do want to grow up.  You just don't want to become a different person.
340 unique view(s)

Meaning of Effect

August 19th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Meaning is nothing without effect.
348 unique view(s)

Machine with No Confidence

August 18th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Work like a machine, yet have no confidence. What good is that?
510 unique view(s)

Left Unsaid

August 15th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
So many things left unsaid... so many things written but left unread.
361 unique view(s)

What If I Can't

August 7th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
374 unique view(s)

Waltz of Shadows

July 31st, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Waltz of Shadows by TommyUlysesGrant
351 unique view(s)


July 19th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Longing by Stargenx
346 unique view(s)

Head in the Clouds

July 18th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Some watch the clouds and say they're beautiful.
Others stick their heads in and can't see a thing.
357 unique view(s)

Speak For Yourself

July 5th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Stop saying 'we' and say 'I'.  Speak for yourself before you speak for others.
351 unique view(s)

The Love of Marion

June 15th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
The Love of Marion - by Bosa and Hania
362 unique view(s)

Greed and Evil

June 7th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Greed is not evil.  The evil are just often greedy.
381 unique view(s)

Dreams of Flight

June 6th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
I woke in my dream and was surprised I could fly.
I woke up this morning and wondered why I couldn't.
359 unique view(s)

Things to Watch

June 3rd, 2011 | Posted by pftq in 42 | #
Just things on the internet worth seeing over time if you haven't seen them already.  Some are old, some are new, ... Feel free to send me more links to add! Tongue
3D Projection Mapping - Using projectors to apply effects to real buildings and objects.  More with live people from Sila Svetta, Bot & Dolly's Box, Light Harvest's Immersive Surfaces (Manhattan Bridge)
The Box Man - A man and a box.  Inspired by Japanese author Kobe Abe.
1050 unique view(s)

State of Identity

May 28th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Gone are the days when one would try to learn from the successful. Now we have those who turn a blind eye to the solution, embrace their problems with pride, and become one with their failures.
319 unique view(s)