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Sides to an Issue

February 10th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
There are always two sides to an issue, only if you have no idea what the issue is about.
391 unique view(s)

Vitality, Weariness, Sleep

February 5th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Vitality becomes youth.
Weariness becomes age.
Sleep becomes death.
638 unique view(s)

Using Mirrors to Decrease Projector Throw Ratio

January 11th, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
     Been doing a lot of work with pocket projectors lately.  One problem I've run into with them is the throw length.  It's no fun having something portable if you still need a lot of space to do any projecting.  So I did some experimenting with mirrors to see if I can "simulate" the extra distance for the projector without actually using much space. Cheesy

3180 unique view(s)

Consciously Subconscious

January 2nd, 2011 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Thinking you subconsciously act against your will is just a conscious act of denial.
419 unique view(s)

Aurora Theory

December 17th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Aurora Theory by Blackhole12
193 unique view(s)

Crystalline Landscape

December 17th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Crystalline Landscape by Blackhole12
184 unique view(s)

Thought of Words

December 11th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
As children, we pondered the meaning of words, but as adults, we can only think in terms of them.
355 unique view(s)


November 27th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Never become a shadow of your former self.
361 unique view(s)


November 21st, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Nothing, nothing... just letting some ideas rot in the back of my mind.
386 unique view(s)


November 15th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Just when you think you've reached your goal, you move right pass it and realize there was never an end in the first place.
447 unique view(s)

Yahoo Mail - Archiving Messages

November 11th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in 42 | #

Downloading emails from the Yahoo Mail...

     I just spent the last 2 hours looking for how to download emails off of Yahoo.  It is normally under Mail Options, but after they "upgraded" the interface, a lot of features went missing.
     To archive your messages, you basically have to find your way back to the old Yahoo Mail Options page.  Yahoo's Help site would tell you the feature no longer exists but it's still there, just buried.
To get there...[More]
14497 unique view(s)

Coldness in Summer

November 7th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
As kids in school, we spend our days in the winter cold,
but as summer approaches, we just feel old.
403 unique view(s)


October 27th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You will always be busy, but you choose what you will be busy with.
378 unique view(s)

Greatest Language

October 21st, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
The greatest language is intuition.
The greatest barrier is language.
411 unique view(s)


October 13th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Since when was being busy an excuse to be unreliable?
432 unique view(s)

Existence Through Believing

October 7th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
We die when our cells stop believing we exist.
381 unique view(s)

Purpose of Change

October 4th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
You say you want to make a change in the world.  What will you do once you attain it? What's preventing you from doing that already?
412 unique view(s)


October 4th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
If you know what ought to be done, then do it.  Don't cite an excuse for your action.
368 unique view(s)


September 25th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Who are you if you take on a different persona at every hour? Would anyone truly ever know you? Would you even know yourself?
355 unique view(s)

Understanding and Knowing

September 9th, 2010 | Posted by pftq in Thought of the Day | #
Sometimes we understand too much, but we don't know enough to express it.
329 unique view(s)