God's Flashlight - Novelization
Opening credits with the beeping sound of someone on life support in a hospital. Once the beeping stops and flatlines, there's a power shut-off sound, and things go dark one by one except the body on the bed, leaving a spotlight in the dark. Everything is silent. A glowing, formless, non-humanoid spirit rises from the body, and the body disappears into the darkness. There's a moment of peace while the spirit looks at itself and its surroundings, like a child discovering the world for the first time. There are faint specs of light in the darkness, like stars, as if having risen to the heavens. It looks like a stylistic choice to only show the character in darkness, but we later realize it's not.
Suddenly, bright-white eyes appear one after another in the dark surrounding the spirit. A green, grainy overlay appears over the scene, and a booming voice announces, "There it is. Capture it."
Cut back to...[More]
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