Monkey Bars
Sense of achievement is what you feel the first time you are able to skip every other monkey bar. Sense of age is what you feel when you realize you can reach the monkey bars without jumping.
Overachieving is like passing the mountain peak and off a cliff.
Kabalah by Astral Projection
The Lost World by Michael Crichton
Sense of achievement is what you feel the first time you are able to skip every other monkey bar. Sense of age is what you feel when you realize you can reach the monkey bars without jumping.
Be the rock that holds against the river or the water that flows with the current but not the fish that dies swimming upstream.
This has been bugging me for some time, but I always assumed it was just the monitor or editor program. Basically what’s been happening is any video I capture from VHS or TV to my computer ends up with every so slight but definitely visible lines going diagonally across the screen. I’m not sure how to explain it. It’s not interlacing (those are horizontal and a whole other issue) and it doesn’t actually hurt the video that much like other artifacting. You actually have to pause the video to notice them (at which you’ll see diagonal lines frozen across the image). They’re kind of like crosshatches I guess - or honeycombs. There really ought to be a name for it, but I can’t seem to find any references to it on Google.
Here’s a picture of what I mean:
Basic solution I’ve found so far is to keep the capture device and cables away from cables (especially power lines) if possible. The issue was that I had the video cables crossing over a number of other cables to…[More]
Potential that refuses to be tapped is potential that was never there to begin with.
Right now, I just have too much stuff lying around, and I’m not usually one to throw things away. Normally at this time of year, I’d be stuffing them into trunks or footlockers to store away, but I can’t seem to find any.
I’ve checked online but the prices range from $120 upwards, not even including shipping. Many of these don’t even have wheels or handles. -_- The ones I have currently I bought for $20 at Walmart so anything over $60 is already way out of my price range. None of the Walmarts I visited nearby seem to sell trunks anymore though.
If anyone knows any stores, local or online that sells these boxes for cheaper - please let me know. Thanks
Yeah, I’m bored. It’s summer time. And I’m forgetting things.
Searched the subject of memory on Google just for the heck of it and found an interesting article on how memory works, as well as how to improve and maximize it. The header claims you can remember “everything” and I suppose if you keep at it long enough, it’s possible but I doubt I’ll get enough time to pursue that.
Article: Remembering Everything You’ve Ever Learned
You’d think the hard part about burning CDs or DVDs is getting the software to burn right or the disc to play back. After spending about just 5 minutes to finish off the DVD and burn it, the part that seems to take the longest is actually labeling the disc. The darn pen won’t work on the disc even if I just used it less than a minute ago.
Currently, I have 3 Sharpie CD pens on my desk, none of which appear to be working. They’re of the twin-tip variety (using the fine tip so I can write more on the disc). I know there’s ink in them because writing with the bold tips work just fine on any surface. The worst part is the third pen just came from a fresh box, so it hasn’t been overused at all.
I’ll probably go find another brand, but it seems like such a miniscule problem. Normally, I’d search on Google to find out what’s a better option, but it doesn’t look like there are any reviews on a better pen (too small an issue). You know all those tutorials about…[More]