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VCR-VHS Resources
Maintaining or obtaining the VCR and VHS, for whatever purposes...
Yes, VHS is dead technology, but for various reasons, some might want to keep the tape and machine. A few might even want to obtain them. You might want a VCR spare to watch really old tapes, or you might want to start converting tapes and still need the VCR to do it. Good VCRs are becoming harder to come by, so it's ever more important to keep whatever ones you have in working condition - same goes for tapes, especially if you recorded them yourself.
Below are possible links to check out if you want to obtain or maintain your VCR and tapes, as well as other links related.
Diagonal Lines on Capture - Something to watch out for if you're...[More]
The only thing preventing perfection is the idea that perfection is not possible.
Three Years Past
His friends tell him he's crazy. When the boy tries to use his ice cream as proof, they tell him he just got it from across the street. Defeated, the boy just accepts his situation for the time being.
His learning is accelerated and he quickly adapts to his new life. He seems to learn things instantaneously sometimes (such as math) even though he doesn't remember having been good at it before. One day his friends bug him about the ice cream again and the boy gets irritated. The boy suddenly shouts, "How could I have gotten the ice cream...[More]
Setting Free
Genuine Altruism
Things to Read
100 Most Beautiful Places in the World - All the places I want to one day see with my own eyes.
Pocket Projectors
I guess I’m getting a bit behind these days. I was just joking a few weeks ago about the possibility of having “pocket projectors” in the future. Turns out they already have them! So tiny too - I can’t believe it.
Castrade Mini-LED Projector
Can’t believe…[More]
File Management
Tools to sort, rename, and organize your files...
Seems like the operating system would be best for managing your files, but this isn't always the case. Several times, I'd want to rename a whole batch of files, or maybe I'd want to fix the creation times of my pictures. As usual, the free stuff is always best - there's no reason to buy bloated software for essential needs as these. Below are the best I've found. Feel free to suggest more.
Programs and Tools
JPEG Timestamp Modifier
If you like to take alot of pictures like I do - better yet if you like to hoard a lot of pictures everyone else like I do - you’ll find the times don’t always match up between cameras. It kind of kills the point of having an album if the pictures don’t line.
I tried to come up with a solution with my file modifier, which works, but lacks an interface. I admit that the tool I found here by far trumps mine. If I had known it existed, I wouldn’t even have bothered making mine.
The JPEG Timestamp Modifier basically lets you set all the creation/modified times to the time picture taken (on the EXIF) or you can shift the times up and down by hr/sec increments. You can load multiple files at once as well. I don’t see anything missing from the package. Definitely something to check out.
Origami Folding
If you know any other nice tutorials, do add. I'm always wanting to learn more - and perhaps figure out a few that I used to know how to make but forgot lately.
How to Fly... or Throw Yourself at the Ground and Miss
Found this interesting site and article on how to fly. Sadly, it was the only link available on google (near the top anyways) that was actually related to flying flying - not flying with some giant overpriced piece of metal carrying you. Definitely sounds like fun - I’ll be trying that soon hehe.
I suppose it’s another thing to add to the list of Things to Do. At some point, I do hope to get 42 of them.