The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Series (Douglas Adams)
What you find here will not necessarily be by me.
It's just everything else.
How can you say you love someone forever if as soon as they die, you ditch them in the ground to rot and never look back? What kind of horrible, inhumane person does that?
Firebird by Deane Ogden
The City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clarke
I’m starting to play Canasta again lately. For those who do not know, it is a card game - some say it’s similar to Rummy or Jin. It’s one of the few card games out there that require skill and is still fun to play… I guess you could say it’s like a Real-Time-Strategy version of a card game. Coincidentally, my test scores went up when I started playing again. :O
I mainly play on Yahoo Games right now: 2 card draw and 2 canasta-out. It’s funny how hard it is to start playing again. Just loss 4 games in a row and pretty much crashed my rating (used to be above 1900). I’ll get there eventually though. ^_^
If anyone wants to play a match, let me know. I always welcome a challenge.
Yay, I’ve gone from game design, to programming, to video editing, and now finally playing a few things. Nothing big yet, but it’s not bad. Added a new Music section to the site gallery. Let me know what you guys think and how I can improve. I’m not doing any sound editing yet, just plain keyboard piano, but maybe later I’ll look into it. Some guides would be nice if you guys have any.
Seems to be a lot going around lately. Got another spoof email - this time pretending to be eBay. Funny thing is it asked a question about something I was supposedly selling - but I never sell anything.
Question from eBay member- eluxeauctions.
Trying to decide on another domain name… There won’t be any real purpose for the site yet, so I’m trying to keep it just catchy and memorable (nothing hard to spell).
Vote Here for the Domain I Should Use
I’m also trying to decide between Bluehost and Lunarpages for the hosting company, so if you’ve any experience with them, I’d be greatful on any insight of the two companies.