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Yahoo Games Can't Join Tables

September 17th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

         Lately, there have been a number of people, including me, that have had problems joining a table once in a room at  Yahoo Games.    Basically, you join the room just fine.   It says connected and everything.   But the problem comes when you try to join a table or create one.   It displays a message that the table is “attempting to pop up” but never does.   The table simply won’t pop up.

       Have you disabled your pop up blocker? Please try that  first to see if that is the problem.   If it is, set it to allow from and you should be able to re-enable your pop up blocker again.

      However, that is what I did the first time as well - and it didn’t work for me.


4785 unique view(s)

H. Sanctuary Finally Updated

September 17th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        I lend a number of people subdomains on my website.   One of them is owner to a Hoisanese Sanctuary, which claimed to have a dictionary.   It went through quite a while however with nothing but a few broken links.

        At long last he finally updated it earlier today.   The dictionary has but a few entries but is at least functional.   Also notable is that it is using my first fully mySQL-powered script. :P

        Go on ahead and visit his Hoisanese Sanctuary. (No I am not Hoisanese, nor do I have anything to do with the site in any way.   I only provide the space for it.)

344 unique view(s)

Cheaper and Cheaper...

September 13th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Back when I was in 6th grade, the lunch was free at my school and it wasn’t bad at all.   There was lasagna, raviolies, chocolate cupcakes, and other good stuff.   And it was free.

        Now,  this high school I’m in actually charges for lunch, and it isn’t half as good.   The best you get is probably a chicken sandwich or enchilada (rarely).   Yet, even that is not bad compared to what it is now.   First they took away plastic straws and replaced it with this strange powdery one, which seems more like left over housing material cut up to form straws.   Then they started replacing the “teriyaki chiken bowl,” which already had no sauce or anything, with left over popcorn chicken instead of real chicken.   Just recently, they stopped using real napkins and instead had these very stiff and thin ones that seemed more like cheap toilet paper material.

        I once joked that they might even replace chicken sandwiches with popcorn chicken or something….[More]

327 unique view(s)

Something is Better than Nothing

September 12th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

      Ok so it goes that one of my friends thought the assignment due today wasn’t due until like next week.   Neither of us did it the night before.   Later today, one class before it was due, he was told by a friend that it was due.   Well we were both empty handed.

        I decided just to jot a few things down - it’s better than nothing.   My friend thought it wouldn’t be accepted.   One of my other classmates, who stayed up till 2AM  working on it,  had close to two pages done.   I had a mere 5 lines done, jotted down 5 minutes before class started.   Teacher started checking the homework. My friend got a zero for not having anything.   The classmate who had two pages got full credit.   Then came my crappy little paper - that wasn’t even half a page.

        Well guess what? I got full credit! :p rofl my friend and the classmate who spent all night on the 2 pages sure got pissed… lol Guess that goes to show that even a lil bit done helps….[More]

339 unique view(s)

So Angry, You Break Some Fingers...

September 11th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Cyclist Breaks Finger Punching Bus

        According to the article, there’s this guy who got so angry from not winning the cyclist competition called Tour of Spain, he punched his team bus and broke a bone in his right hand…

        Eh… ok… yeah I know people hit things and cause unbelievable amounts of destruction when they’re angry… but break your own fingers? Just what - how can you not - ah I don’t know what to call it.


318 unique view(s)

Google Image Labeler

September 8th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

      Just browsing around today and I found a few sites pointing to a Google Image Labeler.   Basically it helps Google decide what keywords find what kind of images, by having you tell it what each image it throws at you would be called.

      Here’s the fun part: Whoever else is online at the same time becomes your partner and you work as a team to try and call the image the same name! :O Each image the two of you pass, you will earn points.   There’s even a highscore table! :P lol

        Weird things all over the place these days…

359 unique view(s)

New Earphones - ER4

September 8th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Ah finally got myself a new pair of earphones after my old ones… broke….. cause of an …accident …. involving a family member dipping them in a cup of juice… Well I decided to might as well go for the later model in the same brand while I’m at it.   The later version, Etymotic ER4P,was currently “80% off” according to the seller - sounded like a good deal.

        Very surprised I managed to find them so cheap :D These were way better than what I had (and I thought those were as good as it gets!).   I see a few screenshots with some rather weird blue and red colors - but  mine fortunately came  in  black (wouldn’t want to be caught wearing blue and red earphones lol).   Comes in a fancy box with about 10 replacement flanges (part of the earphone that goes in your ear), 4 replacement filters (for if the earphones become… clogged),  rotatable clip for the wire, free case, and converter from the mini-jack to a regular.   Sound is great - although bass…[More]

358 unique view(s)

Tattered-Red Dress

September 7th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Stuck in My Head | #
Tattered-Red Dress by Dave Greening
203 unique view(s)

Back to School...

September 4th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

  Gah school is starting again.   Obviously not going to be doing as much here for a while (unless things start out slow).   Busy busy busy…

327 unique view(s)

Crocodile Hunter Dead

September 4th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Thought it was a joke at first - but yep… he’s dead now.   It’s  on nearly  all the news - one on Yahoo  here.   Kinda hard to believe.   Apparently he died from being stung by a stingray.   Normally that doesn’t kill anyone but according to a bunch of articles, the barb (coated in toxic and deadly as a bayonet on a rifle)  went through his chest.   He died from the puncture to his heart though - not the sting.

        Very sudden - not sure what to think of it…

401 unique view(s)

Broken Wrist

September 4th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Random Stuff | #
It's broken... not fractured, not dislocated, broken. Both bones. My right hand... the one I use to write with...April 25 2006: BeforeApril 25 2006: AfterWhat Happened???April 25 2006          This is probably one of the most random things that happened in my life. I was playing basketball at school at around 11:45AM. I was running in one direction and one of my friends was running the other way. Trying to run behind him to other other side, I didn't see his shoe out until I almost tripped over it and it was too close to my feet; by trying not to trip over it, I slipped. There was no way at all I thought it was much of a fall at all, so I just put my right hand out to stop myself but I was going forward a little too fast. My hand was originally palm down and flat toward the ground. It folded backwards until my palm was facing upwards, and I landed on hand and wrist, going forward the whole time. Basically I landed on the back of my hand/wrist while it was palm up from the ground.
2069 unique view(s)

Wrist Exercises

August 28th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Well, I went back to the doctor’s again for another check up.   They did a few tests and I found out my right hand had less than a third of the strength of my left. :O Ouch…

He gave me a few items that are supposed to help me get back strength: a 2ft strip of rubber band and a pink sponge thing.   Amazingly, it hurts to squeeze the sponge -_-

Meanwhile, I got switched out of PE this year by the doctor’s request.   One of the only classes still open was Adobe Photoshop.   It filled the Art requirement for graduation; plus I already knew alot of it.   Might as well get some credits so I don’t have to take Art later on.


393 unique view(s)

Alt Symbol List

August 27th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Šỳmß☼£ś Łïšţ - Ħǻ ħá łøőķ ẃĥàŧ Ī ƒöůńđ!

Short intro:

  Hold the Alt key and hit 3-4 numbers on your number pad (make sure numlock is on).   You end up with a weird symbol.

The problem…[More]

340 unique view(s)


August 26th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

I just found this site today while browsing some forums.   Very funny stuff! :P Basically there’s an web address that you put a name into, and it’ll end up using that name in the animation.

Example :  

There’s a whole set at  :P

438 unique view(s)


August 25th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Random Stuff | #
         Several of my friends from Zoo Admin introduced me to this interesting card game a few years back. It was the first card game I learned that actually had more to do with skill than luck (aka Poker, 21, Deuces... generally luck). You can actually have real strategies set and many ways to play. It's pretty hard to explain, but many people who learned it from me said it was similar to Rummy. I haven't played Rummy before so I wouldn't know. A good tutorial can be found at Yahoo. It's a pretty neat game, though a bit complicated at first. I suggest trying it out at some point if you ever find yourself without something to do.

         This is arguably the game I was most good at growing up (I was 12 when I learned to play).  I was largely undefeated when playing 1v1.  Tournaments were plenty online at the time, and I won most tournaments I entered (I don't actually remember losing any, but just in case lol).  At the time, I didn't realize most people online I was playing against were probably much older, so it's still a bit jarring for me now realizing there is hardly anyone in my own age group who plays.  

         I don't really play it much anymore, but more because of how few people still play. When I do play, it's usually on Yahoo Games.  Feel free to leave a comment or an email with your Yahoo ID, what room to meet  in, and the time and day if you want a match against me.

1921 unique view(s)


August 25th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Random Stuff | #
    This is a question I get asked from basically every person I meet.
What does pftq stand for? Simple.

The p stands for p
The f stands for f
The t stands for t
The q stands for q

I hope that clears it up everyone. Tongue
1320 unique view(s)


August 25th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

Ok back for the last time this summer I think… Gah I hate roadtrips.   Spending a total of over 30 hours in the car is no good. -_-

Can’t say there’ll be much going on - last week of break and I still got 3 books, a 4-page essay, and tons of worksheets to study. :O

348 unique view(s)

I'm Off Again...

August 18th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        Starting tomorrow morning - I’m going to be gone for a week or so on yet another road trip.  No clue exactly where we’re going, but it’s somewhere at least.   Just hope I don’t have to be stuck in the car for too long.   Spent way too many hours this year already waiting to get somewhere, instead of actually being somewhere.

320 unique view(s)

New Record: Most Online at One Time!

August 14th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #

        I just came on at some random time today and saw that there were 22 people on the site. :O I checked the Stats Page (Click on the counter on main page) and the record of 20 people on the site at one time had been broken! The new record is 23, meaning if I had been online a bit sooner, I could have bumped it up to 24 :P Well that’s still pretty good.   23 people… Haha nice! :D

317 unique view(s)

Tennis Left-Handed

August 12th, 2006 | Posted by pftq in Blabberbox | #
         First time playing tennis since I broke my wrist.   I normally play many times a week when the weather is good.   Well I was feeling good today and my hand didn't seem as fragile anymore - at least I hope it isn't.   It was an interesting experience.   Every time the ball came toward my right I had the urge to swing at it with my right hand, although I held my racket with my left now.   My left hand however had like no skill whatsoever.   I was lucky to make any good shots.   I often found myself standing in a position ready to swing with my right hand, when I should be ready to hit with my left.   A few times, I tried holding the racket in my right hand.   It was very very heavy - is all I can say.   I actually felt some sharp pain shoot up my wrist so I didn't try it again.

         I did get better later on in the game to the point I was able to return the ball to the otherside,...[More]
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