Something is Better than Nothing
Ok so it goes that one of my friends thought the assignment due today wasn’t due until like next week. Neither of us did it the night before. Later today, one class before it was due, he was told by a friend that it was due. Well we were both empty handed.
I decided just to jot a few things down - it’s better than nothing. My friend thought it wouldn’t be accepted. One of my other classmates, who stayed up till 2AM working on it, had close to two pages done. I had a mere 5 lines done, jotted down 5 minutes before class started. Teacher started checking the homework. My friend got a zero for not having anything. The classmate who had two pages got full credit. Then came my crappy little paper - that wasn’t even half a page.
Well guess what? I got full credit! :p rofl my friend and the classmate who spent all night on the 2 pages sure got pissed… lol Guess that goes to show that even a lil bit done helps….[More]