A black screen, soft nature ambience, and a sudden ominous thump against the wall.
Unfade to a person waking up pinned against the ceiling of a house. The camera is close up and upside down initially before rotating to instill a sense of disorientation. Heavy panicked breathing. Throbbing low ambience. White light from the cloudiness outside.
The person struggles to stand or move. They call out for help, but there's no one around. Cut to a distant shot looking up to the person from the ground. Nothing else is upside down, and things fall to the ground from the person. The person fidgets with a cell phone only to drop it.
The person...[More]
Unfade to a person waking up pinned against the ceiling of a house. The camera is close up and upside down initially before rotating to instill a sense of disorientation. Heavy panicked breathing. Throbbing low ambience. White light from the cloudiness outside.
The person struggles to stand or move. They call out for help, but there's no one around. Cut to a distant shot looking up to the person from the ground. Nothing else is upside down, and things fall to the ground from the person. The person fidgets with a cell phone only to drop it.
The person...[More]
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